Accreting black hole binaries are important objects to learn black hole physics.
Terrane accreting along south flank of the Eurasian plate during Devonian to Permian;
The rift valley over the axial part of an oceanic ridge is the accreting plate boundary.
And it supports the notion that black holes do in fact gain most of their bulk by accreting gas.
A Type 1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion.
The variation of the production rates of oil and gas fields can be described by means of mathematical model or accreting curve.
It's even harder to imagine how this could be done without accreting all that extra housing on the outskirts of the settlement;
Chrome is accreting market share at a quick pace, and will soon pass the 5% mark, according to data collected by Clicky, an Internet analytics firm.
At the center of the starburst rings is the Seyfert nucleus, the believed signature of a supermassive black hole that is accreting surrounding gas and dust.
Study of the burst energy, duration, interval and spectrum suggested that this source could be a strange star accreting matter from its low - mass companion.
Because the exploration difficulty increased, the reserve accreting velocity was obviously slowed down and there was a rapid drop in the reserve production ratio.
For decades, astronomers have known that the eastern nucleus of Markarian 739 contains a black hole that is actively accreting matter and generating prodigious energy.
They "clearly show that at least some massive stars grow by accreting material from a circumstellar disk of gas and dust, just like our sun did roughly 4.5 billion years ago."
The intergrated analysis shows that 8 optimized forestation modes that are high adaptability, high survival rate, flush growth and friendly accreting among spices had been selected.
The late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic strata in the Western Kunlun-Karakorum area are main research object and the accreting orogenic theory is used for structural analysis in this paper.
The Tagish meteor formed the same way all the asteroids and meteors in the solar system formed: accreting out of the primordial swirl of gas and dust that also gave rise to the sun and planets.