1 词典释义:
nose to tail
时间: 2025-03-16 08:31:29
英 [nəʊz tə teɪl]
美 [noʊz tu teɪl]

phr. 首尾相接;一前一后;紧跟着;车队排成一列;尾随

  • The bear on the box is black and white, from nose to tail.


  • The dog was coal black from nose to tail, whence the name Shadow.


  • Barely an inch long from nose to tail, it's hardly surprising that this tiny animal is rarely spotted.


  • I can be quite small, about 4 feet (1.2 meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to tail!


  • It can roll about a line from nose to tail — the longitudinal axis; and it can yaw, left or right, about the vertical axis.


  • The plane is 107 feet from nose to tail-as big as a commercial jet seating 100 passengers, but with computers and instrument bays occupying most of the interior space and only a few Windows.


  • Certainly, the nose-to-tail traffic leaving Los Angeles at the beginning of the holiday weekend testified to the perennial Whitsun wanderlust.


  • And somehow, shoving the side of the car from nose and then tail, while the driver turned hard to the right and left, we managed to move it sideways toward the curb.


  • Its prolific output of ideas includes blimps creeping nose-to-tail around cities, with seats hanging off them just above the ground so that people can jump on and off at will.


  • From this inverted Nose-In hover, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.


  • From this inverted Nose-In hover, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.


  • While maintaining a constant altitude use the tail rolor to rotate the helicopter clockwise 90 degrees, the helicoper will back to nose - out, hold for ten ( 10 ) seconds.

    保持稳定的停悬高度,将方向舵打右舵,使直升机顺时针旋转90 ,此时机尾又朝向操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬10秒钟。

  • It was skinned whole, from the nose to the tip of the tail, and it lay on the market butcher's slab like a white marble statue.


  • What's even more amazing is that putting a good deal of pressure on its tail or nose in order to tip it only makes it shy away.


  • In order to reduce sinter machine the nose airplane tail air leak rate, designed the software seal, in agglutinated in the cup carries on the experiment, the effect was remarkable.


  • Start shifting your weight on your back foot to remove the pressure from your front foot. Lift the nose of your Snowboard and use the tail as a spring to get you in the air.


  • That merger made United Technologies, which was already a big engine-maker, a full-service manufacturer that provides everything that goes on an airliner, from tail to nose, except avionics.
