Nickelodeon (nickel theater) opens in Pittsburgh.
Nickelodeon, for instance, regards children, not their parents, as the customer.
They will compare notes about cartoons, Nickelodeon, or prime-time programming.
Exactly. Well, we looked at 27 cereals that were marketed heavily to children on The Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon…
Age doesn’t seem to be much of an issue either, since Christmas CDs are aimed at the Nickelodeon crowdas well as eggnog sippers.
In the 1990s, it re-aired on Disney Channel and Nickelodeon (under the title You're on Nickelodeon, Charlie Brown during 1997).
Viewers could point to a deluge of children's programming on satellite, cable and digital channels such as Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
虽说公众台的儿童节目数量不断下降,但是在不管卫星电视,有线电视还是数字电视上,观众还是能找到数不胜数的专为儿童开设的儿童频道,比如卡通频道(Cartoon Network)以及尼克国际儿童频道(Nickelodeon)。
That may explains why Nickelodeon is Viacom's most profitable division-advertiser are lining up to pay a premium for access to their most valuable targets.
That may explain why Nickelodeon is Viacom's most profitable division-advertisers are lining up to pay a premium for access to their most valuable targets.
For a generation who grew up on Pixar, DreamWorks and Nickelodeon animations -strong Disney competitors -here's what it's like: They know Mickey Mouse, but may not love him.
Leaving aside a faint resemblance to Nickelodeon Jr. 's Dora the Explorer, we like the idea of a video game that can teach kids to avoid the deadly consequences of warfare's long legacy.
抛开和Nickelodeon Jr的探索者朵拉(Dora the Explorer)的细微相似性,我们很喜欢这款游戏的创意,它帮助儿童避免那些战争长期遗留下来的问题可能引发的致命后果。
Xinhua reported the "Kung Fu Panda" TV series, adapted from the feature movie, is being produced by DreamWorks and Nickelodeon. There are plans for 2 seasons, with 26 30-minute episodes each season.