Am I talking of an El Dorado?
El Dorado is fading back into desert.
This is the ZIP code list of El Dorado, U. S.
这是美国 多拉多 的邮政编码列表。
The Spaniards started calling this golden chief El Dorado, "the gilded one."
于是西班牙人就开始称呼这个金色酋长为El Dorado就是“镀金人”的意思。
The Internet is a virtual goldmine - call it a virtual El Dorado , if you will.
And like all enduring legends, the tale of El Dorado contains some scraps of truth.
An El Dorado. It was filthy. It looked like a huge crushed can coming up the street.
English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.
The Spaniards didn't find El Dorado, but they did find Lake Guatavita and tried to drain it in 1545.
There is no appetite to return to the moon, let alone push on to Mars, El Dorado of space exploration.
"The house's U-shaped plan encloses terraced gardens and a sunken entry courtyard, " explained the El Dorado.
“建筑U型的平面围合了露台花园和下沉入口庭院,”El Dorado解释道。
"I was a conquistador, but rather than searching the land for El Dorado, I scoured aisles for free samples," it continued.
The ceremony of the gilded man supposedly ended in the late 15th century when El Dorado and his subjects were conquered by another tribe.
镀金人的仪式可能在15世纪晚期就结束了,因当时这个El Dorado和他的臣民已被另一个部落所征服。
In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans believed that somewhere in the New World there was a place of immense wealth known as el Dorado.
The legend of El Dorado endures because "you want it to be true," says Jose Oliver, a lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology at University College London.
黄金国的传说能够长盛不衰就是因为“你希望它是真的”,伦敦大学考古学院讲师Jose Oliver说道。
Burnett, Graham D. Masters of All They Surveyed: Exploration, Geography, and a British El Dorado. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. ISBN: 0226081206.
Other big fields, at Majnoon and Nahr Umar, are nearby. Clustered to the west and south of the Zagros Mountains, which loom across the border in Iran, this is a geological el Dorado.
而像Majnon和Nahr Umar等其他大油田,也分布附近,簇拥在横卧伊朗边境的扎格罗斯山脉以西、以南,这里是一座地质学宝库。
Jiaozhou, known by reputation as "Renowned Land", has been reputed as "Golden Jiaozhou" and also "El Dorado" (which means "an idealized gold country" in German) since Ming and Qing Dynasties.