Practical application: Relate to your prospect and come up with a story that gives them imaginative reasons to use your product or service.
You can probably relate to this story, but with functional programming instead of a chainsaw.
Can you relate to our story, or see yourself in what I've Shared?
If someone is telling a story you find fishy, ask questions that force him to relate events in a different order.
Then be sensitive and use the story that your unbelieving friend will relate to best. Different situations call for different testimonies.
I am aware of the people in my life to whom I will never relate the story or the jokes of a good Mario role-playing game.
In the discussion chapter following this story, Norgaard ranges outside the business world to take on the issues of how we relate to our work and how our work relates to the rest of our lives.
On today's show we look at a few words as they relate to a famous story in American history: the Lewis and Clark Expedition .
I was going through some rough patches in my early twenties, and while reading about Dolores' story, I felt she was truly a character I could relate to and that she wasn't just fictional.
Right, feel a sense of fairness well, and you also point out that people really relate to a narrative story, you tell me a story that.
The story sale that I encourage and article sale have same place, be in namely relate a story while pass enterprise and product information.
People who had seen the show and were able to relate to the story and to the characters were contacting a lot of us.
There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.
What I am about to relate is anything but a pleasant story.
This weekend I'm taking care of my PR duties. Not the most exciting stuff, so I'll relate a short story from earlier this week.
What I really wanna say is, is there anyone else who can relate to my story?
This distinction, though by no means a subtle one, was yet too subtle for Mr Clare the elder, and he went on with the story he had been about to relate;
Amily Bront? not only employs two secondary characters, Lockwood and Ellen to relate the story but also adopts double narration to tell the story.
What I really wanna say is, is there anyone else who can relate to my story?
但是我真正想说的是,若是其他人对我的故事感同身受? ?
On today's show we look at a few words as they relate to a famous story in American history: the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
So, my child, I will relate you the whole true story.
If you understand the whole dimension thing then that's all you need to know but it does relate to the story later on (later routes).
I had experienced the loss of several family pets, so could relate easily to the story of Harry and his dog Hopper.
That being said, I shall relate the story of my friend on the CC run, and the subsequent discovery made by myself and some intrepid companions one day…