Containerized ice plant or ice towers, suited to each individual need.
But during the Ice Age, these plant communities actually grew together, mixed with one another.
As a result, so the theory goes, the Ice Age animals that depended on plant diversity couldn't survive.
Partial remains of five mastodons, three Ice Age bison and a juvenile Columbian mammoth, as well as plant matter and insects, have been found.
The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant; so is the ice colder than the water.
What about a freak ice-storm that at least would cause low temperature and cost me and Jimmy's plant?
Most frost damage takes place at night. Ice crystal from on the leaf surface. They pull moisture from the leaves and keep plant tissues form getting water.
The production Manager will ensure that only potable water from the tap outlets is used for the processing of products, as ingredient, as material for ice production, for plant cleaning purposes.
Plant a Frost trap which causes Ice and Freezing Damage to all nearby enemies when it explodes. A maximum of 4 traps can be placed at one time.
It possesses a small dairy pilot plant equipped with seven processing lines, imported from Denmark, including yoghourt, milk powder, condensed milk, cheese, ice cream and so on.
In this paper, the species and characteristics, advanced structures, and ice-binding sites of plant AFPs being researched at present were completely discussed.
Guizhouis the last home to some ancient plant species that survived the last ice age, such as the Chinese dove tree, spinulose tree ferns and Taiwania Flousiana Gaussen.
The substandard quality of circulating cooling-water results in severe fouling inside ice-water plant, cooler, etc. , which then induces unstable operation of air separation unit.
由于空分设备循环冷却水系统水质不好,造成冷水机组、 冷却器等内部结垢严重,导致设备运行不稳定。
The 180-MW Warrior Run coal-fired power plant in Cumberland, Md. , already captures 96 percent of its CO2 emissions to sell for use as a fire extinguisher or dry ice.
Green Apple, Vanilla, Orange, Berries, Fruits and nuts, Plant leaves, Chocolate, Candy and marshmallows, ICE CREAM, Cookies, Sweet Land.