The harbour is slowly silting up.
Silting up river course, reservoir and channel.
In some cases streams dry up as a result of excessive silting.
The evaluation on silting rate of Jing River bed in historical times.
Silting-up is an important factor to have an impact on lake function.
Between Erhai andCangshan's dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain.
This paper mainly approaches the technique of using silting drained to irrigate.
It never stops and must run around the clock to prevent the river mouth from silting up.
But only now are some of the DAMS of the colonial era being restored to use, after years of neglect and silting up.
The silting gradually weakened its intensity and transited into scouring state from nearshore to shallow sea area.
The result obtained is that the recharge of silting and blocking rioter to groundwater is mainly in spating season.
Erosion can do major damage to water quality, silting streams and lakes and dumping fertilizers and pesticides into the water supply.
Originally a shallow bay adjoining the Qiantang River was gradually transformed into an inland lake by the silting-up of the outlet.
If there exists shelter embankment at the water intake area of a power plant, the back silting at the place of intake and intake canal etc.
In 1827, faced with a Weser that was silting up, Hanseatic Bremen bought the land for Bremerhaven from Hanover's king to maintain a link to the sea.
It need not be thought of silting when medium and small sized water convey canal were designed because of little water drawing and sand quantity.
The design flow for dredging activities is determined on the basis of the scouring and silting characteristics of the channel downstream of Aishan.
Consolidated sand, caused by the movement of sand wave and longitudinal dune, is a silting phenomenon takes place in backflow zone of Hanjiang Reservoir.
Optimized pump silting strengthening levee technique is reasonable in economy, efficient and suitable for extension and application in levee strengthening.
After verification, the model is applied to calculate the change of current and back silting in the port area of Fenghuangshan port with two different plans.
After impoundment of Three Gorges reservoir, the sediment silting in the reservoir and clear water discharge significantly impact the downstream rive channel.
First, erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river. And second, heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel.
In the model, the concept of antecedent sediment concentration is introduced and the method for simulating the back silting under the action of wave is established.
To some extent, scouring and silting evolution of tidal flat may reflect the relationship and interaction between dynamic effect and geomorphologic characteristics.
Then the information of shoreline dynamic changes, inning and silting was obtained by utilizing the space analysis function of geographical information system (GIS).
The silting from a river with heavy sediment lood seriously affects the discharge capacity and effective life of the head work of a detention basin for flood diversion.
Storage is essential to provide supplies in winter (two-fifths of the Indus's flow comes from the summer melting of glaciers) but Pakistan's two big dams are silting up.
silting up