The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.
《牛津词典》I say "roosting" because it seemed almost asleep; perhaps not quite.
Trees will be destroyed and the 750 roosting egrets will need to find a new home.
To catch roosting birds at night by blinding them with a light and then hitting or netting them.
This paper describes experiments on treating arsenic bearing dust resulted in rotary roosting kiln.
The street out here is full of people, and others are roosting on the fences, waiting to get a glimpse of you.
Enormous open windows with heavy iron bars made the high and barren room the roosting place of hundreds of pigeons.
Biologists found a pregnant female roosting in a pine tree, and say they might be able to improve the bats' living situation.
Outside the St John's shopping centre branch, a pigeon was roosting beneath the garish yellow and red signs advertising the 50% off.
Once, a flock of birds flew past overhead, on their way to some hidden roosting place, uttering as they flew a clear bell-like chirp;
The bird, however hard the frost may be, flies briskly to his customary roosting-place, and, with beak tucked into his wing, falls asleep.
More recently, their Numbers have fallen because of the widespread loss of wild wetland habitats needed for feeding, nesting, and roosting.
The occurrence of the roosting sites was positively related to degree of slope, wood cover and wood height, and negatively related to herb cover.
Other primates, however, have been shown to continue roosting with dead compatriots, showing little regard or concern for the rotting bodies around them.
Blakiston had to return to re-record her dialog when it was discovered that pigeons that had been roosting in the set were audible in the original recordings.
Above them rose the primeval yews and oaks of the Chase, in which were poised gentle roosting birds in their last nap; and about them stole the hopping rabbits and hares.
One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place.
秋日的一天,大教堂屋顶上飞来一只体态轻盈、叫声甜美的小鸟。 它离开荒芜的原野和日渐稀疏的矮树篱只为寻一处冬季的栖息地。
come home to roost