1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-16 00:26:47


  • He was blown further down the block and suddenly lifted up high into the air.


  • My mobile phone isn't smart and I have to triple-tap, but it would have blown my mind in junior high.


  • High levels of public debt among countries in the euro zone turned into a full-blown crisis for the currency block.


  • And even if they used gliding flight, they would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off - such high winds that they would be blown away and have no need for wings.


  • Microbiology blown up into a 25cm high sculpture - another rendering of the H1N1 virus created with the help of scientific models and photographs.


  • The potential USES of high melt strength polypropylene in the field of extrusion foaming, thermoforming, extrusion coating and blown film were also introduced.


  • The heavy drilling apparatus was blown sky high out of the hole with a tremendous roar.


  • Many trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking roads, paths and railway lines.


  • Cinder cone volcanoes are formed when magmas with high gas contents and high viscosity are blown high into the air during an eruption.


  • The strips have been fed by automatic feeding unit and finally the finished products have been blown out off the die by high-pressure air.


  • If you are blown in that direction, you will fly high into the air and see things that no one has seen before.


  • If angels used gliding flight, they would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off - such high winds that they would be blown away.


  • A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown.


  • The whole thing would be blown sky high.


  • The flexible polyurethane foam that had certain compressive resistance and high oil absorption was prepared by water-blown formulation adjustment.


  • Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking roads, paths and railway lines.


  • Alumina hollow ball is the hollow spherical light insulating refractory made from alumina blown out of electric furnace through high temperature melting procedure.


  • Right at the death the ball sailed high over Vic Woodley and into the Chelsea net. Incredibly, the referee had blown his whistle for time mid-flight and the goal was ruled out.


  • We shall never allow that torch of freedom to be blown out, however high the wind or stormy the tempest.


  • The Isa smelting process, a submerged lance top-blown smelting technology jointly developed by MIM and CSIRO is a high-intensity nonferrous smelting process.

    艾萨熔炼法是芒特艾萨矿业有限公司 (MIM)和澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究机构 (CSIRO)联合开发的浸没式喷枪顶吹熔炼技术 ,是一种高强度有色金属冶炼方法。

  • The melt-blown non-woven material of the invention has excellent high temperature resistant performance and high-efficiency filtration performance.


  • If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that the correct exposure will not avoid blown out highlights and flat shadows.
