Only your entitling to it can help an oneself, just wearing other people to help you.
In entitling this story the Search for Modern China I wish to emphasize a number of themes.
In 2007, an entitling ceremony of the second group of Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Parks is held.
Peculiar narration modes are an important aspect entitling special artistic enchantment to the fables in Zhuangzi.
When money grows to a certain degree, we go to the bank and open an account, entitling the bank clerks to count money for us.
Sarju and other paupers have been issued with “above the poverty line”, or APL, ration cards, entitling them to some subsidised kerosene.
The new policy included a Rs3.25bn package for the leather and textiles sectors, entitling exporters to incentives in form of duty-free scrips.
Analyzing and simplifying the segment structure, thus entitling the segment to be beam element, and simplifying the joint to be bending springs.
The union would have 25m citizens and a combined GDP of $1.6 trillion, making it one of the world’s 12 biggest economies and entitling it to a seat at the G20.
The Underwriting Agreement contains provisions entitling the Joint Global Coordinators by notice in writing to terminate the Underwriting Agreement upon occurrence of certain events.
Moreover, the Kirchners are already criticised for classifying as "dirty war" victims eight guerrillas who died attacking an army base in 1975, entitling their families to rich payouts.
The "Long March" series of carrier rockets have successfully launched 27 foreign-made satellites, entitling China to a position in the international commercial satellite launching service market.