1 词典释义:
act toward
时间: 2025-02-24 17:55:27


  • I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act.


  • Try not to act toward you coworkers and bosses as you acted toward us.


  • Today I will act toward others as though this would be my last day on earth.


  • The best advice: Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you.


  • The impression people get of your man will depend largely on what you say about him and how you act toward him in public.


  • This is God's way of saying that he won't hold our SINS against us, he won't act toward us on the basis of our sin. God has pushed the delete button on our guilt.


  • We speak of someone having "cold eyes" or a "warm smile". Now it seems there's a very real connection between the temperature people feel and the way they act toward others.


  • In understanding forgiveness the researchers referred to two types: Decisional forgiveness occurs when an individual makes a decision about how to act toward his or her spouse.


  • For asteroids too big for a robot to handle a large spacecraft could fly near the object to act as a gravity tractor that deflects the asteroid's trajectory sending it toward Earth.


  • For asteroids too big for a robot to handle, a large spacecraft could fly near the object to act as a gravity tractor that deflects the asteroid's trajectory, sending it toward Earth.


  • Thus, if a man and a woman are on friendly terms and then start to act more affectionately toward each other, watch out!


  • The Federal Reserve Transparency Act is a step toward making the Fed accountable.


  • Chill out. The simple act of letting yourself relax is a tremendous first step toward total satisfaction.


  • You don’t have to act on the advicethey give you, but listening carefully will go a long way toward building thegood relationships you will need to succeed.


  • But I don't look to romantic books to find ideas of how to act lovingly toward Jessica.


  • Now a team of astronomers has gone a long way toward providing the answer by catching a massive star in the act of condensing.


  • Perhaps it's because the act of writing primes your brain to scan the environment, looking for opportunities that will take you toward your objectives.


  • Teens find it especially hard when their parents fight and argue or act with bitterness toward each other.


  • But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them.


  • The sound of his name seemed to act like a stimulant. Ron swallowed, then, still breathing hard through his long nose, moved back toward the rock.


  • According to Brentano, every mental phenomenon, or act of consciousness, is directed toward some object, and only mental phenomena are so directed.
