The population is growing fase.
Come fase to see me.
I'm laughing in the fase of danger ahahahah…
Allenterprises fase the world competition thoroughly. This kind of competition focuses not only mainly on efficiency but also HR (Human Resource).
Methods: MRCP of 41 patients with pancreaticobiliny duct diseases was performed by using heavily T2 weighted half-fourier fast acquision spine-echo (FASE)sequences.
MRC was performed with 2d, 3d fast advanced spin echo (FASE) sequence. The resulting slices were reconstructed with maximum intensity projection (MIP) into composite images.
Are a lot of water drank every day? 2. Is the door closed at 5 o 'clock? 3. Is that song often sang on the radio? 4. Is soccer played all over the world? 5. Is his fase often lost by bike?
每天喝了大量的水吗? 2、五点钟门关了吗? 3、那首歌曲常在收音机里唱吗? 4、全世界都打足球吗? 5、自行车常由他丢的吗?
Concept of local network, calculation of sensitivity matrix of local network, gradation of severity of voltage violation and control strategies, the control actions are more fase and available.