My life choices are based on my personal convictions.
Those taxes could force poor people to adopt your life choices.
Because it made me faced with a major life choices.
My past life choices have already put me under a lot of media pressure.
Not anymore. Koreans have become much more accepting of different life choices.
There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences.
When it comes to life choices and opinions, not much is worth fighting about.
Feel free to make whatever life choices you want, but to me those sound like pretty bad reasons.
Education may also be associated with better life choices, and the avoidance of risky behavior.
It glorifies a vast array of spectacularly questionable life choices, from drunkenness to dangerous driving.
That is, life choices, many times the choice can change everything, only time can prove everything and only time.
As a mother of daughters, I am keenly aware that my life choices will be their first model when they venture out into the world.
While a major re-evaluation of life choices can be unsettling , it seems to be worth it in the end, the British Psychological Society's annual conference heard.
Believes in personal efficacy affect life choices, level of motivation, quality of functioning, resilience to adversity, and vulnerability to stress and depression.
"It is clearly an unconscious influence, as no one would claim name-letter overlap as a reason for making these important life choices," Bargh wrote of the findings.
Life is very long, I don't want to go until gradually grow old, we still stand alone at the origin, waiting for you, waiting for me, waiting for our life choices.
Humans have so fallen in consciousness that they lack the information to attune to the natural world dream and make life choices that will protect them from natural disasters.
The book includes things that are not in the class, like what Mr. Burnett and Mr. Evans call "anchor problems" — overcommitted life choices that keep people stuck and unhappy.
For others, more healing work is necessary and they will be experiencing the results of their life choices in ways that may seem more challenging or difficult than ever before.
Xiao Qian's whole life is extremely legendary, his life choices and changes in his works have manifested a generation of intellectual's sincerity to social, the life and the artistic.
Now, a new study confirms an important role for the brain chemical dopamine in how people make such life choices, by influencing our expectations of the pleasure associated with their outcomes.
Enhancing the effects of the brain chemical dopamine influences how people make life choices by affecting expectations of pleasure, according to the new research from the UCL Institute of Neurology.
Current life structures, career paths, educational choices, and social norms are out of tune with the emerging reality of longer lifespans.
The life is hard for my father: my mother died years ago, and now his children are far from home, our selfish choices taking us from one end of the country to the other.