First Asia 3G smart phone Technology Forum and tenth anniversary celebration of communications equipment company Tucson …
It was released all from episode 1 to 17 for celebration of its first anniversary, but I couldn't watch all, just watched on weekends when I have free time.
The flag was officially used on June 15, 1914. It was first raised at the celebration congress of the 20th anniversary restoration of the Olympics movement in Paris.
The flag was officially used on June 15, 1914. It was first raised at the celebration con GREss of the 20th anniversary restoration of the Olympics movement in Paris.
It is the first anniversary of the happy marriage of Mr And Mrs Lammle, and the celebration is a breakfast.
First of all, on behalf of the University Council, I would like to welcome you to today's gala dinner in celebration of the 35th anniversary of our University!
首先,我仅代表澳门大学校董会对各位出席我校三十五周年校庆晚宴,表示热烈的欢迎! !
In celebration of the show's 10-year anniversary, 'Idol' will be partnering with MySpace to allow aspiring singers the opportunity to audition online for the first time in 'Idol' history.
今年的《美国偶像》即将盛大开罗,而对于比赛跃跃欲试的素人们有多一项新的途径参与海选。 今年起,《美国偶像》将第一次启动网络海选,就算没办法感到现场,也一样可以一展动人歌喉。