ST23. A Baby boom generation?
Tom was a product of the baby boom generation.
My father is a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s.
Entitlement spending is bound to increase as the baby boom generation retires.
The increase in births after the war produced what became known as the baby boom generation.
The baby boom generation is poised for a large-scale “back to the city” movement, according to many news reports.
Tom was a product of the baby boom generation. He had a bold personality. His passion for adventure seemed boundless.
The term “silver ceiling” was coined by Ken Dychtwald, the author of several books on the baby boom generation, including Age Wave (1989) and Age Power (1999).
“银色屋顶”的英文表达silver ceiling是由肯•迪特沃德首创的,他曾经写过一些关注婴儿潮一代的书,其中包括《年龄波动》(1989)和《年龄力量》(1999)。
Despite its fears over a falling birth rate, Japan can expect a major but temporary economic boost from next year as the baby boom generation spends for its retirement, a study said.
They are part of the famous baby-boom generation that is destined to be a cultural force at every stage of its life.
WASHINGTON - Fast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu.
And if the burden for caregivers seems big now, according to Suzanne Mintz of the National Family caregivers Association, it's only going to get worse as the baby-boom generation enters old age.
Born in 1946, Bush is a member of the huge postwar "baby boom" generation.
The impact will become even clearer in 2012 when the first members of the 1947-49 baby-boom generation hit 65.
Employers in the rich world have no choice but to learn how to deal with an ageing workforce, as the baby-boom generation gets older and life expectancies increase.
As the baby-boom generation ages, America, Europe and Japan will face an explosion in health-care costs unless researchers find new treatments.
The baby-boom generation is leaving behind a poisoned legacy: as the title of a recent book puts it, “Our Children Will Hate Us”.
After all, average life expectancy, now 82, is growing by almost 2.5 years every decade, while Japan's big baby-boom generation is just about to start moving into retirement.
Interestingly, it will be the same group of people rioting, the baby-boom generation.
The problem is that the baby-boom generation didn't get the news and didn't change their rules of money.
The general practitioners are needed to help coordinate care for members of the baby-boom generation, now a quarter of the U. S. population, who will be aged 56 to 74 in 2020.
The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in 1arge numbers.