This policy of disengagement from the European war had its critics.
Exaggerated claims merely fuel public distrust and disengagement.
The Israeli Prime Minister put forward the disengagement plan in 2003.
Disengagement of family and adolescents has similarly negative effects.
Subjectively deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment.
The more usual symptoms of brownout tend to be disengagement, discontent, and lethargy.
While only 5% of divorces are among the over-60s, the rate of disengagement is growing fast.
很高兴得从“我做”迈向“我觉得再也不干了”。 60岁以上的离婚者仅占了5%,离婚的比率还在飞快上升。
With a clearly articulated plan for disengagement, people can trust more fully and with more commitment.
Workgroups with high disengagement lose 51% more inventory to shrink than those with high engagement.
The Gaza disengagement in 2005 broke a taboo on removing Israeli settlements from the occupied territories.
And judging from our current levels of employee disengagement and distrust, America could use a new paradigm too.
Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement isusing all of your resources and can only be maintained for a shortburst.
建设性脱离 -全部参与是使用你的所有资源,并只能维持短期突发。
Employees are also more likely to report disengagement from work if a bad night's sleep makes their bosses grouchy.
Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement is using all of your resources and can only be maintained for a short burst.
Someone says, abandoning is a kind of disengagement, but I abandoned, why to feel unfixed what, can you tell me why?
By experimenting with some constructive disengagement techniques, it may be possible to speed up the energy recovery process.
This disengagement costs the U. S. economy between $450 billion and $550 billion every year in squandered productivity.
And it will send a troubling signal of American disengagement in the Asia-Pacific region at a time we can least afford it.
The study of disengagement process of self-synchronizing clutches is a theme raised during the dynamics research of power plants.
But coping with the negative stress, they tend to adopt maladaptive coping ways, such as Mental Disengagement, Behavioral Disengagement.
With the increase of solid particle content, the time of phase disengagement will be prolonged and the interfacial emulsion intensified.
This paper reflects the course of ancient people from opposing bravely bother, seeking actively disengagement to breking with it eventually.
The effect of solid particle content in feeding liquid on phase disengagement and interfacial emulsion in copper solvent extraction is studied.