All experiments are done in controlled Settings.
These IBM Cognos TM1 Contributor controlled Settings are resulting in following rights for the original dimension.
这些IBM Cognos TM 1 Contribut or控制的设置产生针对原始维度的以下权利。
The objects with configurable update Settings are controlled vocabulary lists (CVLs), library property definitions, library property values lists, native folder lists, and user and group lists.
Authenticating the client to the server is optional and is controlled from the server side Settings (see Resources).
The color of many areas of the business space is controlled by small image files instead of color Settings in the theme CSS file.
The layout Settings can be controlled for each field individually but it is very easy to set them for all fields at once.
For SpringLayout-controlled components, there is one constraint with four Settings — one for each edge of the component.
Service robots are machines which can perform tasks with or for humans in normal environments (rather than in controlled factory Settings).
All nozzles can be adjusted and controlled individually and the machine Settings can easily be adapted to a variety of cage systems.
Application Settings are controlled by the network security policy.
It is controlled by computer, with liquid crystal display, owing the function of keyboard Settings and random memory function.
Granitoid composition is controlled by tectonic Settings, magma sources, initiation and evolution processes.
It also analysed the process of grinding which include manual Settings and CNC controlled.
One great advantage of using a helper application is that you can let some (or all) of the player settings be controlled by the user.
We found no controlled studies evaluating the effectiveness of policy interventions implemented in sporting settings to promote healthy behaviour.
There is, therefore, clearly a need for well-planned randomised controlled trials to be undertaken in various settings so that the potential benefits and harms of vision screening can be measured.
Settings view in the OPS panel where game options and Settings are controlled.
The appearance is not controlled by the Internet Settings of the user's operating system.
China has abundant petroleum resources. The hydrocarbon Generation and occurrence were controlled by very complicated geological conditions and unique tectonic Settings.