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The lung cancer is caused bv the cooperation of muliple factors.
BV is mainly formed by cerebral anterior and media profound veins.
In this study, the diagnosis of BV and its clinical features were analyzed.
Our data support the view that more than 80% of patients with BV do not improve.
我们的数据支持此观点,即80 %以上的BV 患者未得到改善。
The ultimate strength of the LNG carrier was also checked according to BV rules.
The present paper deals with BV solutions for a class of quasilinear hyperbolic equations.
This queue is managed bv Linux's "netdevice" layer that sits in-between IP and device drivers.
Objective: To investigate the disease circumstance of BV and analysis condition of diagnostic outcomes.
The alkyd resin, silicone prepolymer and alkyd-silicone block copolymer were characterized bv use of iR and SEM.
Colax was set up extremely base on factory audit standard and now already passed audit by BV, STR, ITS, SGS, ect.
工厂严格按照验厂标准设置,目前,已经通过BV, STR,ITS; SGS等公证行的验厂评估。
Objective To study a BV antibody surveillance model for establishment and maintenance of Macaca mulatta SPF colony.
There was no significant difference in fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia between women with BV and those without BV.
In order to strengthen our leading position, Hauzer Techno Coating BV will establish its PVD competence centre Shanghai.
The desorption of the flavones is fast and complete with 95% ethanol when the elution volume is 2 times of bed volume(BV).
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现在,为了帮助更多的朋友选择包包, mbt shoes,一下是我的使用BOTTEGA VENETA(BV)编织包心得。
China still has a way to go before it can consider itself adequately proficient in English, ' according to English First BV.
The -bv flag will start Sendmail with a request to verify the user IDs provided in the Address parameter field of the command.
Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of bile viscosity (BV) and bile ingredients (bi) on stone formation in gallbladder.
For every purchase of BV$800 or above in September, you will be entered to the Grand Lucky draw and have the chance to win three special prizes!
另于九月内任何时间购买产品满售货额$800,可进入「每月送 大礼」大抽奖,特设三项大奖,丰富名贵礼品随时送到您手!
We compare the genome of BV E2490 in NCBI with other herpes virus to find the sequence with diversity, and try to design primers in the sequences.
根据NCBI上发表的BV E2490株的基因组序列,将其与其他疱疹病毒科病毒的基因组进行比对,找出其中有差异的序列,根据这些序列设计引物。
Its biggest wholly owned subsidiary is BureauVeritas (BV), a certification and assessment consultancy that rivals the world leader, the Swiss SGS group.
Wendel拥有的最大的全资子公司BureauVeritas (BV)是一个评估和鉴定咨询公司,实力足可以与同行业的领导者瑞士SGS集团竞争。
Are these so-called BV-associated bacteria sufficiently virulent to cause spontaneous preterm birth when present only in modest increased frequency?
Conclusion the measures of FBG, D-dimer, HCT, BV, PV and PT, APTT, TT in CPHDA may provide some indication of the disease severity and the prognosis.
结论血浆D -二聚体,FBG,血液流变学,凝血功能监测对评估疾病程度及其预后以及疗效观察提供有力的依据。
This paper also deals with the relationships between weight and length of the wing or the urophygeal gland and are simulated bv mathematical formulae.
The effect of new quinazoline and sulfoxide derivatives were tested against pathogenic fungi bv using the mycelial growth rate method in the laboratory.
Align the ring-form concave of pressing jaw with the rim on press-fitting, in groove of which a rubber ring is mounted, and compress it bv pressing tools.
The studies of nutrition evaluation showed that the PER, AD, BV and NPU of wall-broken corn pollen were markedly higher than those of wall-unbroken corn pollen.
Rice protein has been confirmed to have better composing of amino acids, higher value of BV, lower irritability and even potential functions for health protection.
The vessel is designed suitable for registration as a cargo barge and constructed in accordance with the latest rules and regulations of BV for unrestricted services.