Glimpses of soft feminine features evolve into men with handlebar mustaches and freckle-faced teenagers grinning through braces.
There are no women who look good with mustaches.
It's illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women.
A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts.
Some have beards and mustaches, and others have weapons like swords or spears.
You're traditional and reserved, but for the most part, you hate foam mustaches.
Manning has dared to dress up before, donning wigs and mustaches to poke fun at himself.
All the men wear large brimmed black hats, beards (but not mustaches), and clothes made by their wives.
We are wearing jeans, sitting cross-legged and holding two smiling boys with comical little mustaches.
She was sitting in a corner of the room, her feet bare, listening to a man with sad mustaches play a mandolin.
Mexico has scrapped a rule requiring visa applicants (including women) to submit a description of their mustaches.
Beards and mustaches are common sights in America, although their popularity changes from generation to generation.
Bushy mustaches had been synonymous with manhood in Iraqsince the 16th century, a remnant of Ottoman rule in Mesopotamia.
The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards, mustaches and even sideburns.
Those customs officers in uniforms all looked the same with their handlebar mustaches, bushy eyebrows, big eyes, and black hair.
Pick a word you think sounds funny and say it over and over until it loses all meaning; or draw mustaches on every face in the newspaper.
Typically the men are dazzling in their full-length gowns of taffeta or silk, while their wives sport fake mustaches and Armani tuxedos.
The cover, which included cutouts for mustaches and badges, eventually warranted its own legend for disciples who just love to Geek The Beatles.
Herbert recognized directly the species of amphibian to which the tapering head, with large eyes, and adorned with long silky mustaches, belonged.
It is rumored that the fire was ignited by the damaged caused by the earthquake, but spread by the obscene amount of large, oiled, mustaches present in the city.
Each pack contains four sheets of peel-off vinyl stickers, enough to make eight faces, including mustaches, hair-clips, cheeks, bow-ties, sunglasses, freckles, smiles and more!
If you walk through my old neighborhood in the South Bronx even today, half the men have these big mustaches, so I just never thought twice about it until my "mom" told me to get rid of it.
If you walk through my old neighborhood in the South Bronx even today, half the men have these big mustaches, so I just never thought twice about it until my "mom" told me to get rid of it.
"Main Street, USA", the heart of Euro Disneyland, it promises, will feature an old time "Harmony Barber Shop" to deal with "messy hair and hairy chins" - and perhaps even offending mustaches.