The market stimulated the production chain.
These are used directly in the production chain.
Testing is a critical link in the production chain yet is the most commonly neglected.
This policy should be implemented at the top of the production chain, i. e. steel mills.
Domestic brands should choose a reasonable process, and strengthen the oil production chain.
The final finishing is the most flexible link in the entire production chain of the textile industry.
In digital TV production chain, digital TV set-top-box (STB) is a simple and complex consumer end product.
The project then becomes the whole life cycle of the projected product. The project is the production chain.
First, manufacturing a car is a complex project, thus every link in the production chain shouldn't arise any error.
Productivity decides relations of production, a sector specific background, had a specific industry production chain.
At present, the company has formed a complete production chain with the integration of automatic assembly and testing.
The paper considers that the way to combine MRP and JIT is a basic technical route linking the main production chain by CIM.
China wood industry leading enterprises, with the industry's first listing Corporation, has formed a complete production chain.
We have 10 years of industry accumulation, has achieved the product proofing stage of the whole process of the Internet production chain;
This paper analyzes the connotation, structure and characteristics of "oil production chain" and establishes an information processing model o...
If such a protected program appears prematurely on the Internet, the broadcasters can use the watermark to locate the leak in the production chain.
In global production chains, countries face a double challenge of maintaining an efficient chain not just for exports but also for imported inputs and components.
The basic ideas of PVC extension project has been introduced, and the specific method of innovation of each section in PVC production chain has been put forward.
Cluing with the production process, measures of lightning and static electricity protection for every production chain and checking attentions in coking plant are introduced.
Prepare pot boiler factory production chain grate coal-fired boiler running smooth, low fault rate and is not a major safety accident, the longest running life up to 20 years.
Fiege also operates large logistics centres and assumes parts of the production chain, thereby creating a co-operation with the customer that goes far beyond mere freight carriage.
" Fast food production chain link will promote value-added agricultural products enhance city, and create a "Mountain of kitchen" will produce benefits beyond Huashan Media humanities.
Emphasis on technological innovation, and continuous improvement of product quality. Important to the implementation of standards in the production chain, is the strict quality control.
In addition, ABB will provide state-of-the-art process automation for the steel plant including plate-mill drives to ensure energy efficiency and reliability across the production chain.
The reclaim of the package waste has important position in the green packaging production chain. The background, present situation and technology involved were discussed comprehensively.
Abstract : skinning pineapple is the most important link in the production chain of pineapple products processing, The existing various skinning methods have their respective limitations.
By leveraging our advantages - our flexible production chain, balanced product mix, efficient sales system, and widespread customer base - we are able to react quickly to changing market conditions.