1 词典释义:
most volatile
时间: 2025-02-24 02:36:49


  • The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun.


  • Spain has Europe's most volatile labour market.


  • Beginners should stay away from the most volatile markets.


  • The most volatile contemporary-art market is probably that in China.


  • Tort law is perhaps the broadest and most volatile area of civil law.


  • Perhaps the Most Volatile Player, but definitely not the Most Valuable.


  • Major banks, which were once the most volatile stocks, have become a snooze.


  • Of the University of adapting the most volatile and emotional self-evaluation bias.


  • Next to inventories, housing was historically the most volatile sector of the economy.


  • The most volatile market since the Japanese earthquake isn't Japanese or U. S. stocks.


  • Off-loading the most volatile logic to business rules offers great flexibility to your company.


  • That's when the kidnappers are most volatile because it's when they stand the highest chance of getting caught.


  • Clusters and interactive users are the most volatile population of identities and the most likely to require revocation of access at some point.


  • The modern fuel is only allowed tiny quantities of 'non hydrocarbon' compounds, effectively banning the most volatile power-boosting additives.


  • When I visited earlier this year, I found it hard to imagine that just over 20 years ago this was one of the most volatile and dangerous places in Asia.


  • As mentioned previously, the most volatile situations occur when the growth of aspirations is more rapid than the growth of a society's capability of satisfying them.


  • Furthermore, despite having sidelines in cobalt and molybdenum, the new firm's fortunes will depend chiefly on the price of copper and nickel—two of most volatile metals of late.


  • British fighter jets will be deployed to the South China Sea - one of the world's most volatile military hotspots - by 2020, Britain's ambassador to the United States has claimed.


  • Adding to the chaos, Indonesia's most volatile volcano started erupting on Tuesday after scientists warned that pressure building beneath its dome could trigger the most powerful eruption in years.


  • The price of hedging varies, rising when markets are volatile and investors most need it, and declining during bull markets.


  • Most folks typically reserve 10 percent of the total table space as free space, but you will often see more with highly volatile applications.

    大多数人通常会保留 10% 的表空间用作空闲空间,但在高易失性的应用程序中,这个比例会更高。

  • Prices of most major grades of oil spiked last week after tensions heightened in Libya and, although they've retreated a bit, they remain volatile.


  • Pascal Maitre has an absolutely remarkable ability to go into the most dangerous, volatile situations and return with powerful images.


  • Miriam is the most important counterforce to Wright in this novel, mirroring his volatile mood swings with her own even as she tries to convince him that she is the only woman he will ever need.


  • The patterns in the previous section cover most of the basic cases where the use of volatile is sensible and straightforward.


  • Diallyl disulfide is not the most potent compound found in garlic, but it has an advantage because it is the less volatile of the compounds.

    Diallyl disulfide二硫化物在大蒜中不是最有效的复合物,但是因为他在复合物中不易挥发,具有优势。

  • Excluding the volatile food and energy categories, wholesale prices rose by the most in more than two years.
