1 词典释义:
use facility
时间: 2025-01-12 15:29:04
英 [juːz fəˈsɪlɪti]
美 [juz fəˈsɪlədi]


  • Other studies show that simply providing the facility for people to compare their energy use with the local average is enough to cause them to modify their behaviour.


  • Use of PHP's safe mode is one technique for meeting this goal, but it can also unduly limit users, and some PHP applications simply don't function with this facility enabled.


  • If staying at a resort, make use of their pool and the exercise facility.


  • A methacholine challenge test will indicate asthma, but it may require the use of a special facility.


  • In a wedding banquet resale, a couple pays for the use of a facility that has already been booked.


  • The first version runs inside the Geronimo client application container and makes use of its EJB mapping facility (as shown in Figure 5).

    第一个版本运行在 Geronimo 客户机应用程序容器内,并使用它的 EJB 映射设施(如 图 5 所示)。

  • Article 34. No unit shall be permitted to transfer a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution.


  • You can use Little-G whenever you need to host simple Web applications that require no more than a transaction facility and database connectivity.

    如果Web应用程序只需要事务处理设施和数据库连通性,那么就可以使用Little - G。

  • If you have specified the LOCAL facility in the makefile, then you must tell syslog what file to use in syslog.conf.

    如果您在makefile中指定了LOCAL设备,那么您必须告诉syslog使用syslog . conf中哪个文件。

  • Only users with SYSADM authority can configure and use the audit facility.


  • This article shows you how to effectively use this facility to keep track of and investigate suspicious system activities.


  • If staying at a resort, make use of their pool and the exercise facility. Try skiing and white water rafting.


  • Now that you have seen how to configure and use the audit facility, let's walk through a complete scenario that shows the entire process from start to finish.


  • In addition, there is a standard facility that developers can use to define their own tags, which are organized into custom tag libraries.


  • The facility will use virtualization to reduce energy consumption by running multiple applications on the same servers.


  • Support for importing constants: This facility allows static methods and fields to be imported, avoiding the need to use fully qualified class names when accessing static members.


  • A a global company can use the analysis orchestrator to update information on assets — people, technology and facility — from all of its organizational units in different SOAs.


  • Maternal mortality is particularly high among poor, indigenous women in rural Peru, and the use of facility care is low, partly due to cultural insensitivities of the health care system.


  • Do any of the scripts called use a facility that is at the primary cloud computing environment?


  • The CICE proposal, on the other hand, is more modest: it takes a facility already present in the language and makes it easier to use but does not offer any significant new functionality.


  • Finally, it described how administrators can make use of the serviceability facility available with IBM NAS for problem determination and to aid its early resolution.

    最后,讨论了管理员如何使用IBM NAS的可服务性特性帮助尽快判断和解决问题。

  • This help facility is intended to help you compose whatever AdminTask command you need to use, quickly and with the appropriate options.


  • I learn to use with more and more facility the pencil, brush, and graver.


  • In a typical JSF application, you use the managed bean facility to register the CourseAction bean and inject it with its delegate objects, or "dependencies."

    在典型的JSF应用程序中,使用托管bean工具来注册CourseAction bean,然后借助其委托对象(或“依赖项”)注入该bean。

  • In addition, you can use this facility to consolidate several LEI 3.x administrators into a single LEI 6 administrator.

    此外,您可以使用该工具把几个LEI 3 . x管理器合并成一个单独的LEI 6管理器。

  • BAE systems has produced compound semiconductor MMICs and devices in its Nashua facility for more than 20 years for use in the company's electronic warfare, communications, radar, and weapon systems.


  • With GRUB, you could type in another set of commands for the kernel and initrd statements, or, preferably, you could use the edit facility described above to edit an existing entry.

    使用 GRUB,您可以键入另一组内核命令和 initrd 语句;或者,最好使用前面介绍的编辑功能编辑一个现有条目。