United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law.
She also said she would preserve a controversial plan to tax the mining industry.
She also said she would preserve a controversial plan to tax the mining industry. See article
The controversial plan also introduces taxes on utility firms to pay for the development of renewable energy sources.
China is delaying a controversial plan requiring all new computers sold in the country to be equipped with an Internet filtering software, state media says.
The European Union pushed forward with a controversial plan to rejig bankers’ bonuses that would reduce the amount payable in cash and increase the element of shares in bonus schemes.
The European Union pushed forward with a controversial plan to rejig bankers' bonuses that would reduce the amount payable in cash and increase the element of shares in bonus schemes.
The European Commission is struggling to secure enough support among member states for a controversial plan to extend “anti-dumping” duties against imported Chinese and Vietnamese footwear.
It is a big defeat for Ms Gillard, who only the day before had scored a success by pushing her equally controversial plan for a carbon tax though the lower house of Parliament. See article.
It is a big defeat for Ms Gillard, who only the day before had scored a success by pushing her equally controversial plan for a carbon tax though the lower house of Parliament. See article 420.
The Dutch are also implementing a somewhat controversial plan to breach a few inland dikes and allow water back into some of the polders - land reclaimed from the sea and protected by dikes.
Dillia realized the plan was expensive and potentially controversial.
And the controversial part of Mr Bush's immigration package-allowing more immigrants in and offering those already in America a chance to become legal-is still just a plan.
Silwan is also the site of a large and controversial building plan adopted last week by the municipality's planning committee.
Israel has unveiled a controversial new plan for settlement expansion, putting further strain on the peace process.
The eight-year plan entails increases in taxes, including a controversial move to tax high earners at 50% as early as next year.
For all the discussion and debate about Google's controversial (and potentially anti-competitive) plan to digitise millions of books, little has been known about how the company is actually doing it.
But other parts of his plan are more controversial.
The plan to develop human clones is bound to raise controversial questions.
The plan, has been controversial, with critics arguing that the digital tax returns will be an unnecessary burden on business.
When you're caught in a controversial or explosive negotiation situation how do you implement your 'game plan'?
But previous claims that birds "plan" in this way have been controversial.