Tax authorities received backhanders from 4% of their customers.
People in countries where backhanders are a way of life see resources squandered and become disillusioned with public institutions.
The heart of the case is the allegation that Mr Sanader received backhanders from the Austrian bank, Hypo-Alpe-Adria, which I wrote about last year.
The OECD anti-bribery convention ratified in 1998, and a domestic law passed in 2001, require Britain to investigate allegations of backhanders paid abroad.
In much of the globe it is impossible to do business without paying backhanders, from Mexico's “refrescos” to North Africa's “petits cadeaux” (see article).
在全球大多数地区,从墨西哥的“茶点(refrescos)”到北非的“小礼物(petits cadeaux)”,不付回扣就达成生意是不可能的。
But no one can accuse its managers of lacking inspiration in devising ways to pass generous backhanders to corrupt officials and politicians around the world.