Further off there is a bank.
Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off.
It's just that "eventually" is further off than we had expected a year ago.
The further off this solid obstruction , the longer time will elasp for the return of echo .
The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo.
The further off this solid obstruction the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo.
The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo.
This ingenious economist may also be preparing for a future that is further off than you might think.
There is no one in the main room, noises rise from the town opposite, while further off in the bay lights shine.
The further off from England the nearer is to France-- Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
如果你更远地离开英格兰,就会更加接近法兰西。 亲爱的蜗牛,不要害怕,赶快去把舞会参加。
A comprehensive understanding of aging in biology is far off still, the ability to manipulate it easily is even further off than that.
The even more controversial question of how to enforce any thresholds that leaders eventually sign up to is yet further off the agenda.
The day on which they will be able to do things like vote is unfortunately further off, but this would be at least a drive in the right direction.
Further off still is the ultimate goal: a universal flu vaccine that can be given just once in childhood and provides a lifetime's protection against all forms of influenza.
Important bills, including those required to unify a fragmented tax system and open the retail sector to foreign investment, already long delayed, now look further off than ever.
To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings.
Once this pan formed, further run-off collected, and formed a lake.
Guided by science, we do not drift off course anymore but further pursue other sophisticated technologies with purpose.
Off she ran to the further end of the garden.
Further studies confirmed that that knowledge and reason have a "braided" relationship, meaning they feed off each other.
And the perception that the moralizers will block any further rescue actions has set off a renewed market panic.
When enough of these neutronsproduce further fissions—rather than escaping, bouncing off or being absorbedby atoms that do not split apart—the process becomes self-sustaining.
So falling prices create a spiral in which assets are sold off to repay debts, triggering further price falls and further sales.
It also suggests employers give workers time off for further study.
On February 23rd Bahrain's king jetted off to Saudi Arabia for further talks about the unrest.
Sometimes the impact sets off a whole ricocheting chain of further encounters.
In some case, non-native species of oysters are introduced after a population decline, and they bring with them diseases that further kill off the native oysters.