They were not used to the low-gravity environment.
Aptly named 'MoonWalker', these shoes rely on magnets to allegedly simulate walking in a low-gravity environment.
In a low-gravity environment, like inside a space shuttle, food and drinks would simply float away if they weren't handled correctly.
Metzger and colleagues have used similar measures to model how a rocket plume could scatter dust and boulders in the low-gravity environment of the moon, threatening nearby lunar outposts.
Slop moving test and vertical obstacle passing test research are given. Simulating lower gravity of moon environment, the rover's low gravity test is done.
A study of aluminum droplet ignition and combustion through an advanced experimental technique in normal and low gravity environment is presented.
In this paper, three-axis passive stabilization is realized by using two main environment torques (gravity gradient and geomagnetic torque) in low orbit.
Extraterrestrial Environment: How It Affects the Way Things Work or Do Not Work vacuum and high pressure, low and high temperature, gravity or lack of, geological uncertainty;