The new committee holds its first plenary session this week.
《牛津词典》There'll be another plenary at the end of the afternoon after the workshop.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The Council has plenary powers to administer the agreement.
《牛津词典》The power to tax is plenary.
The plenary breaks up to talk about it and have lunch.
At Opening Plenary of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2011.
I sit writing this from the hangar-sized Tycho Brahe plenary hall.
The meeting today is of special significance because it marks CD's 1000th plenary meeting.
Following the plenary session, the delegations continue holding bilateral consultations.
Complete each day with inspiration and beauty by participating in the Plenary Sessions!
There will be a plenary debate on the measure come May 9 upon the resumption of session.
Many issues need to be discussed first at bilateral consultations and then at the plenary sessions.
Instead, the Copenhagen accord was criticized by the final plenary of members and not adopted.
Statement on the occasion of World Food Day 1997 Plenary Hall, FAO Rome, Italy, 16 October 1997.
1997年世界粮食日上的讲话- 1997年10月16日,意大利罗马粮农组织全会厅。
New date of expiration will be held in Yahoo shareholder plenary meeting announce after 10 days.
At the plenary of July 31, I addressed the issue of Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS).
In September, the first face-to-face meetings of those committees were held, alongside the OpenCSA Plenary.
在9月,伴随着OpenCS A全体大会,举行了这些委员会的首次面对面会议。
The Plenary will be a very important event for several reasons, as it will act as one measure of interest.
The 10 directorates member of Yahoo company is in reelect needs entirely on shareholder plenary meeting next time.
Rotarians carry flags from around the Rotary world during the opening plenary session of the International Assembly.
Mr Pachauri said that he had taken up a burden, and that putting it down was a matter not for him, but for the Busan plenary.
The Plenary, to be hosted by SAP and co-sponsored by Oracle, will be the place where these technical committees really get going.
由SAP主办并与Oracle共同赞助的 全体大会(Plenary)将是这些技术委员会真正开始工作的地方。
A children's choir sings during the opening plenary, symbolizing the international fellowship that is a signature of the ri Convention.
Hedegaard told a plenary meeting of the conference this morning there was still was no consensus on many key issues in the discussions.
Plenary speakers include some of the leading thinkers in these areas, as well as numerous paper, colloquium and workshop presentations.
plenary meeting
plenary session
- discretionaryadj. 随意的;任意的;可自由决定的;自行决策的;酌情行事的;可任意使用的;全权决定的
- temporaryadj. 短暂的;暂时的;临时的;权宜的;过渡性的;临时安排的
- rosaryn. 念珠;玫瑰经;玫瑰念珠;玫瑰经祈祷;玫瑰经念珠
- complementaryadj. 互补的;补充的;相互补足的;补足的;完善的;相辅相成的;(颜色)互为补色的
- salaryn. 薪资;工资;薪酬;报酬;月薪;年薪;定期支付的工资;薪金(尤指按月发放的)
- intermediaryn. 中间人;调解人;仲裁者;中介;媒介物;代理人;经纪人
- infirmaryn. (学校、监狱等的)医务室;校医室;急救站
- stationaryadj. 静止的;不动的;固定的;稳定的;不变的;不可移动的;位置固定的;经度无明显变化的
- supplementaryadj. 补充的;额外的;补充性的;外加的;追加的;增补性的;辅助的
- voluntaryadj. 自愿的;志愿的;自愿性的;自告奋勇的;主动的;非强制的;自发的;无偿的;自由的;随意的;自主的;自选的;自设的
- militaryadj. 军事的;军队的;军用的;武装的;与战争有关的;军人风格的;战术的;战略的
- preliminaryadj. 初步的;预备的;先行的;开端的;入门的;开始的;序言性的;准备性的
- dispensaryn. 药房;配药室;配药处;诊所;医务室;门诊部;免费药物发放处
- sanctuaryn. 避难所;庇护所;收容所;圣所;神圣地;圣殿;教堂;寺庙;祭祀场所;野生动植物保护区;禁猎区
- aviaryn. 鸟舍;大鸟笼(如动物园内的);鸟园;飞禽馆;观鸟园
- granaryn. 谷仓;粮仓;粮食储存库;产粮区;粮食生产地
- ordinaryadj. 普通的;平常的;一般的;平凡的;平淡无奇的;平庸的;常规的;标准的;常任的
- interplanetaryadj. 行星间的;太阳系内行星之间的
- luminaryn. 杰出人物;专家;权威;名人;泰斗;领袖;才智出众的人;有影响的人物
- distributaryn. 分流;支流;分支河道;分汊;分水道
- secondaryadj. 次要的;次级的;中等的;中学的;辅助的;次生的;继发性的;从属的;间接的;第二位的;副的;次一级的;衍生的
- glossaryn. 术语表;词汇表;小词典;辞汇表;术语汇编;专业术语索引
- notaryn. 公证人;公证官;公证员;认证人
- dictionaryn. 字典;词典;词书;专业词典;术语大全;电子词典
- contemporaryadj. 当代的;现代的;同时代的;同一时期的;同龄的;现行的;当时的;属于同一时期的
- revolutionaryadj. 革命的;革命性的;巨变的;彻底变革的;激进的;颠覆性的
- elementaryadj. 基础的;初级的;简单的;基本的;初等的;容易的;易懂的;入门级的;基础教育的;单一元素的;非化合物的
- exclusionaryadj. 排斥(性)的;排除在外的
- missionaryn. 传教士;布道者;传播者(指传播某种思想或理念的人)
- formularyn. 处方集;药典;配方手册;公式集;惯用表格
- primaryadj. 首要的;主要的;最初的;最早的;原始的;原本的;基本的;初级的;初等的;小学的;初等教育的;小学教育的;一级的;一次的
- boundaryn. 边界;分界线;(运动场地的)界线;界限;边缘;限度;范围;(板球中的)界外得分(指击球超过边界线得分)
- mercenaryadj. 唯利是图的;贪财的;只为金钱的;金钱驱动的
- literaryadj. 文学的;文学上的;书面的;爱好文学的;从事文学研究(或写作)的
- depositaryn. 保管人;存放处;受托人;保管机构;存放人;保管所;托管人
- libraryn. 图书馆;图书室;藏书楼;(书、激光唱片等的)个人收藏;藏书;资料库;资料室;系列丛书;系列磁带
- secretaryn. 秘书;书记员;(公司负责保管各种记录的)干事;文书;部长;大臣
- vocabularyn. (某人掌握或使用的)词汇量;词汇表;术语集;生词表;词库;词表;词汇库
- legendaryadj. 传说中的;传奇的;闻名遐迩的;名声显赫的;非常著名的;享有盛名的
- piscaryn. 捕鱼权;捕鱼场;渔业权;捕鱼区
- customaryadj. 习惯的;传统的;习俗上的;照常的;符合传统的;依惯例的;通常的;典型的
- solidarityn. 团结一致;相互支持;齐心协力;同心同德;(Solidarity)(波兰)团结工会
- dignitaryn. 高官;显要人物;要人;尊贵之人;显赫人士;权贵;显贵;达官贵人
- documentaryadj. 纪实性的;纪实的;文献的;文件的;记录的;基于文件的;以事实为依据的;记录片风格的
- necessaryadj. 必需的;基本的;根本的;无法避免的;紧迫的;不得已的;必须的
- fragmentaryadj. 不完整的;支离破碎的;残缺不全的;零碎的;片段的;断断续续的;不连贯的
- rotaryadj. 旋转的;轮转的;转动的;有旋转部件的;绕轴转动的
- functionaryn. 官员;公务员;职员;工作人员;官僚
- complimentaryadj. 赞美的;恭维的;赞扬的;免费的;无偿的;免费赠送的;表示钦佩的;表示敬意的
- adversaryn. 对手;敌手;竞争者;反对者;<法>对方当事人
- plenipotentiaryn. 全权代表;全权大使;全权公使;全权特使;全权使节
- apiaryn. 养蜂场;蜂房;蜂箱集;蜂舍;蜂巢
- diaryn. 日记;日记簿;日记本;日志;记事本;记事簿
- evolutionaryadj. 进化的;发展的;演变的;渐进的
- anniversaryn. 周年纪念;周年纪念日