1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-09-27 08:37:43
英 [ˌfɪzɪˈɒlədʒɪst]


  • Noble Laureate and physiologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as "seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought".


  • But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things.


  • The physiologist recently studied indicated that evening exercises beneficially.


  • The company also offers an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stress.


  • But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things. I don't know them.


  • Rather, just as the physiologist accepts the human body as it is, so do I accept people as they are.


  • Best: american-born canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


  • You most likely are not a biochemist or a physiologist and neither am I. But I have studied the subjects a bit.


  • As a physiologist he believed in the artificial placation of malignant agencies chiefly operative during somnolence.


  • She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury , Massachusetts . He and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus.

    她终于在马萨诸塞州的一座实验室里找了他,一位才华横溢的繁殖生理学家, 格雷戈里·平卡斯。

  • Not at all, says physiologist Johan Andersson at Lund University in Sweden, who studies the effects of breath-holding in divers.

    在瑞典Lund大学研究潜水者屏息效应的生理学家Johan Andersson可不这样认为。

  • Physiologist Roger Seymour of the University of Adelaide in Australia has long been a proponent of the second low and slow theory.

    澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)的生理学家罗杰·西摩一直是第二个低慢理论的支持者。

  • In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit.

    在1850年,德国生理学家Hermann von Helmholtz把电线连在一只青蛙的腿肌上,这样肌肉收缩时就断掉了电路。

  • As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.


  • No matter in what high esteem you are held. always have the courage to say to yourself:'I am always ignorant. " —Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist".

    不管你有多高的威望,永远要有勇气对自己说:“我总是无知的。” —伊凡·巴甫洛夫,俄国生理学家。

  • Psychological differences appear to affect people's self-assessments, said Stephen Lord, an applied physiologist who was a member of the research team.

    生理上的差异似乎影响到人们的自我评价,Stephen Lord说,他是一名应用生理学家,是此研究团队里的成员。

  • Claude Bernard was a famous French physiologist and philosopher in the 19th century. His experimental researches almost involved all fields of physiology.


  • When you don't feel like exercising, remind yourself of how good you'll feel during or after exercise, says Sydney-based exercise physiologist Bill Sukala.


  • Yet consistency is the most essential piece of every training program. It's the one thing-perhaps the only one-that every coach, physiologist, and medical expert agrees on.


  • Freud, a French physiologist, concentrating all his life on treating his patients and writing books, had great influence on the western literature of the 20th century.


  • If I could really do it right, I'd now open the door and bring in our guest physiologist, who would then provide the facts that I'm — what I'm about to go is "blah, blah, blah."


  • "Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup, " says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon.

    “很多跑步者在加速阶段都不能做好热身准备,”来自俄勒冈州比弗顿耐克体育俱乐部的教练和锻炼心理学家Sean Coster说。

  • According to Gerald Shulman, a cellular and molecular physiologist at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., exercising may prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

    按照康涅狄格州新黑汶耶鲁大学医学院细胞和分子生理学家格纳德·舒尔曼(Gerald Shulman)的说法,锻炼可以预防、甚至是医治二型糖尿病。

  • If exercise physiologist Jack Daniels, Ph. D., worked for an automotive company, he'd be the guy building a car that gives you great performance and great gas mileage at the same time.

    如果在汽车制造厂工作,运动生理学家,Jack Daniels博士就是那个使车子跑得又快又省油的人。

  • The old physiologist, Burdach, to whom we are indebted for a careful and discriminating description of the phenomena of dreams, expressed this conviction in a frequently quoted passage (p.


  • "Eels aren't very fast, but they can swim forever," says Guido van den Thillart, an animal physiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is measuring the speed of this captive fish.



18年出现 1

  • 100%

    n 生理学家; 生理学研究者

  • n. 生理学家; 生理学研究者


    • Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Szent-Györgyi once described discovery as \seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.\

      诺贝尔奖获得者和生理学家Albert Szent-Györgyi曾经把发现描述为“看到每个人看到的,思考没有人思考过的。”

      [2012年 英语一 阅读理解A]
  • Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Azent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as “seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
