1 词典释义:
true blue
时间: 2025-03-01 16:55:12


  • If you are "true blue," you are loyal and faithful.

    如果你是“真正蓝色(true blue)”,说明你忠诚,守信。

  • Alex: : Yeah, I've got to say I'm an Aussie, true blue Aussie.


  • You can depend on him for help whenever you're in trouble. He's a true blue.


  • Ed was true blue when our company met rough times and other workers were deserting us.


  • In fact, when my old, true blue Samsung model dies, I'll probably upgrade to something a little more advanced.


  • While the flower might appear more silver-purple than sky-blue, Applause is the nearest to a true blue rose yet.


  • True blue positive cells could been found in cerebral somatic sensory cortex in the SCI treatment group under fluorescence microscope, but not found in the SCI control group.


  • So most of you know Cobra and the truth behind his words, but for those who don't, Cobra is a true blue Pleiadian Contactee who has been in contact with the underground for 35 years.


  • The fact that that chair is blue, makes it true that the sentence that chair is blue. You with me?


  • Someone once said that there are no red states or blue states, just united states, which may be true except for the united part.


  • Say someone is blue, because of true love? We step in, or his or her caregiver does: blue no more.


  • The red line shows the Lander's true position, the blue line the position measured by radar.


  • Yellow hair - but they also have blue hair and green hair and all the rest. Therefore hair colour is not about being true to life.


  • All tequilas are mescals (made from agave plants), but only true tequila is 100% blue agave.

    所有的龙舌兰酒都是梅斯卡尔酒(mescals 由龙舌兰制成),但真正的龙舌兰酒则需要用100%的蓝色龙舌兰制成。

  • Taurus: be eventful You're a true-blue kind of friend.


  • Taurus: be eventful You’re a true-blue kind of friend.


  • This is easy enough to comprehend when you're stating a fact: "the sky is blue" is either true or false; honesty means saying the true thing.


  • Eventually he gave them to me - I was tall, blond and blue-eyed. He said 'I'll give them to your interpreter because I know he is a true Aryan.

    最后他还是把报纸给了我 – 我是个高个子,金发碧眼,他说他‘看得出’我是个纯血统的雅力安人(而不是犹太人)。

  • If these reports are true, it gives some perspective on the recent catches and a glimpse into the true potential of the blue catfish if left to grow undisturbed in a healthy environment.


  • Somewhere over the rainbow, sky is blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.


  • It is perhaps my pillow, and moist for many years, that piece of pebbles, not blue, but a true black, and loaded with my sorrow.


  • To love a vast blue sky, let that true love filled with earth.


  • Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream can come true.


  • A true-blue American; a reliable true-blue country club conservative.
