1 词典释义:
bidding war
时间: 2025-03-13 03:42:19


  • Prices increase as a bidding war ensues for labor.


  • LADY GAGA is at the centre of a bidding war - to save tea from hot water.

    LADY GAGA正处在一场竞标战的中心——从热水中拯救茶水。

  • The continuing bidding war is likely to result in diminished returns for the states.


  • In a bidding war, it is likely the Japanese would not be able to outbid them, he said.


  • If the women are determined to get married, this shortage of males will cause a bidding war.


  • Their ranking drops as others put down money—which can create somewhat of a bidding war for the top slots.


  • Minmetals confounded market expectations of a bidding war when it responded by withdrawing its proposal.


  • Here's Dell's problem: HP would demand a premium, and the sell-off would quickly turn into a bidding war.


  • He, probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep-pockets.


  • The most likely scenario for conflict would be if a bidding war erupts, as many market analysts now expect.


  • Kraft is hoping that shareholders, who have so far held firm, will back its proposal if a bidding war fails to materialise.


  • The novel sparked a bidding war amongst several publishing houses, ultimately ending up at Viking earlier in the week.


  • Instead, Beijing is pitting Ford, GM, and other big carmakers against each other in a bidding war designed transfer technology.


  • Juventus will meet Zaragoza officials tomorrow to warn they won't enter a bidding war with Real Madrid over Gabriel Milito.


  • Sellers do not need to have excellent sales skills and buyers do not have to go through long, winding bidding war with others.


  • The sale, to an unnamed Chinese collector, took place in Paris on Wednesday after a heated bidding war, Drouot auction house said.


  • The move was just the latest in what has amounted to a financial-aid bidding war in recent years among the U.S.'s élite universities.

    这一政策变动在美国名校间引起一阵震惊。 美国的名校近几年来竞相出台各种助学计划,并在资助幅度上相互比拼,哈佛这一政策不过是其中最新的一步。

  • Realising that naming a new species could be lucrative, some biologists initiated a bidding war over the right to name a Central American monkey.


  • After drillers launched a bidding war to snatch up local drilling acreage, industry experts proclaimed the dawn of "a golden age" for natural gas.


  • Tata steel's bidding war with CSN, a Brazilian firm, over Corus, an Anglo-Dutch steelmaker, is just one example of the once-staid group's new boldness.


  • The target companys management may retaliate by soliciting competing offers from other companies in hopes that a bidding war will frighten off the attacker.

    目标公司的管理层可以请求另一家公司提出竞争性的 收购要约,以寄希望于可以用竞价战争来吓退恶意 收购 者。

  • You don’t have to compete with anyone if your portfolio speaks for itself, and if a client tries to get you in a bidding war with other clients, simply walk away.


  • This agreement led to another dramatic demonstration of power: a bidding war for Corus between Tata Steel and Brazil's CSN group, which broke out in late 2006.

    这份协议导致了另一个场戏剧性的巨头角力:塔塔钢铁和巴西CSN集团对Corus的竞购。 2006年末,CNS在竞购中失利出局。

  • Cadbury's rejection of Kraft's $16.73 billion offer could spark a bidding war in the fragmented confectionery industry that has long been ripe for consolidation.

    吉百利食品有限公司(Cadbury)拒绝卡夫食品(Kraft Foods) 167.3亿美元的收购要约可能在集中度很低但整合时机早就成熟的糖果业掀起一场并购大战。

  • Whitmarsh also revealed that, with Mercedes being McLaren's engine suppliers as well as their rivals for Button's signature, there was never a question of a bidding war.


  • News Corp’s boss, Rupert Murdoch, had originally talked to Mr Yang about a becoming a “white knight”, but then decided against a bidding war against a much richer opponent.


  • Whether or not you should participate in a bidding war is another question. I’d say if you are a small 1-2 person team, bidding against larger companies may not be the best idea.


  • So Rio and its many potential rivals could become involved in bidding war for a medium-sized mine in a part of Africa that, though not as troubled as it once was, is still far from risk-free.

    因此,力拓和它的许多潜在竞争对手可能会为非洲这个中型煤矿发动一场竞价战。 虽没有以前的那些麻烦,但仍然会有风险。

  • Delay is only playing into Ms. Fisher's and Ms. Allred's hands, as a bidding war for Ms. Fisher's story will no doubt ensue (even though Ms. Fisher signed a confidentiality agreement ).
