Then it refines this price when the shipping information is known.
Process must receive data which contains item, billing and shipping information.
You can also reship using the shipping information from a previous shipment.
The app also saves payment and shipping information to make buying through the app more seamless.
Fill in the shipping information, select the delivery and payment method, click 【 continue 】.
And, on this basis, the GIS technique is applied to discussing and displaying shipping information.
Before you head to the stores, arm yourself with the correct sizes, preferences, and shipping information.
MasterPass stores customers' preferred payment and shipping information securely within the digital gadget.
Everything is different: the call to action buttons, the checkout experience, the way visitors have to enter their payment and shipping information, etc.
This paper offers some ideas about the developing strategy and the technical project of the construction of Changjiang Shipping Information Network.
For example, if many visitors search on "shipping options" from your shopping cart page, you may want to display shipping information directly on the page.
Communication: Acting as liaison with customers regarding releases, orders, shipping information, and to maintain a good working relationship with these contacts.
Work with buyers closely to get shipping information and prepare relevant paperwork for import so that make sure material arrive in time to meet requirement of production.
For example, if you notice that many of your visitors never go further than the "Enter shipping information" page, you might focus on redesigning that page so that it's simpler.
An Invoicer service participant provides the invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and then refines this price when the shipping information is known.
An invoicing service provider provides the invoicing interface for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and it then refines this price when the shipping information is known.
The second chapter contributes to the detailed description of data classification, in which the shipping information fall into two categories: static information and dynamic information.
An Invoicer service provider provides the InvoicingProtocol service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and then refines this price when the shipping information is known.
Follow warehouse work flow strictly. Check quantity, specification, type when receiving raw material or finished good. Check if suppliers' shipping information consistent with purchasing data.
Billing, for example, aggregates information from products, customers, orders, and other processes, such as shipping and financing.
While departments such as sales might be the most obvious beneficiaries of business intelligence information, don't overlook departments such as manufacturing, shipping, human resources, and so on.
The model needs to maintain several pieces of information about each lure, including price, configuration, availability, shipping region, and usage.
Similarly, the shopping application remakes the data into a pick request for the warehouse and a shipping label and tracking number - information required to effectuate the sale.
By providing standard envelopes and boxes to customers and requiring consistent information on the shipping label, these companies were able to build sophisticated tracking systems.
As an example of what an assign activity can do, suppose you want to update order information after shipping completes.
The new models will begin shipping in quantity sometime this quarter, although the company has not yet announced pricing information.
A reservation service may need access to scheduling information, while a shipping service may need to call said reservation service to arrange for a particular inventory item to be sent to a customer.
This information can be used to create a shipping schedule used in processing purchase orders.