For example, the Tories are thought to be doing better in the marginals, the seats most likely to change hands, than in the country as a whole.
However, the Conservatives will still struggle to win seats in the north of the country where public spending is higher than the tax burden-thanks to fiscal transfers from the south.
By the 18th century the distribution of House of Commons seats did not reflect the real distribution of population and wealth across the country.
How will the reapportionment following the 2000 census affect the distribution of seats around the country and the partisan balance of Congress after the 2002 election?
It usually in English country early, afternoon tea time (about 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.) hold, location in the sitting room, hall equipped with permanent tea table, seat, not discharge seats.
Every politician that is ignoring the the plight of the majority of the citizens of this country need to lose their seats.
It is a country where most toilet seats are heated, and there is an electric noisemaker in the women's toilet to mask the noise.
A total of 440 seats are at stake on the various provincial councils in the election, covering the whole country except four northern areas.
The two main parties competing for seats in Georgia's parliamentary elections have both claimed victory in the most hotly contested polls in the country for nearly a decade.
In country stations, people scramble in from Windows - all the seats are grabbed in less than 5 minutes.