There is a kitchen and there are cell-like bedrooms.
I was very excited when I found stem cell-like cells in my culture dishes.
Objective To isolate the neural stem cell-like cells from infant human retinas.
In control group es cell -like colonies were harvested from 9 blastocysts, in which 5 es cell-like colonies could be passaged successfully.
Narrow sheets with sharp gradients may separate regions with different properties such as magnetization, density, and temperature, resulting in cell-like regions.
"They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.
Lyndsay, do you like to text message on your cell phone?
So, Lenzy, do you like to text message on your cell phone?
Abilene Christian settled on the devices after surveying students and finding that they did not like hauling around their laptops, but that most of them always carried a cell phone.
The user can plug any accessory directly into the ball, like a lamp to study or a cell phone charger.
There are some who prefer the teeniest, most compact gadgets, like those itsy-bitsy cell phones that would get lost in a pocket.
The service persons are like insurance agents who would be trained, have a cell phone and scooter and would be assigned to a set of customers.
They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21 days.
Imagine if you could do the same with behaviors — if you could just as easily assign behaviors to a table cell, like expand and collapse, highlight or scroll, as you could set its background color.
Cell phone service has become like the air itself: taken for granted, not given much thought until it's unavailable.
Plants can be as small as one cell, like the millions of tiny plants in the seas.
We need to target signalling, biofilm formation and classical biological processes like bacteria cell wall formation, all at once.
Scientists have been making cardiomyocytes from other cells for some time, usually by making induced pluripotent stem cells from some other cell, like skin cells or blood cells.
An HSSFCellStyle object represents style options for a cell, like font, border, and numeric formatting (including date and time formats).
Certain enzyme studies, like the white cell or platelet assay, are particularly advantageous when testing in pregnancy.
While, like bacteria, archaeans don't have a cell nucleus, they share other traits with eukaryotes like you and me.
Using sound waves to charge small devices like cell phones is not a brand new idea.
"You can manufacture a consumer good like a cell phone," and other manufacturers can create a similar product to compete with it.
Two are using the speaker feature on their cell phones, so they sound like Neil Armstrong calling from the moon.
The MUOS system will provide cell phone-like services to ground-based warfighters around the globe, with the satellites acting as "cell towers" in space.
Instead they carry it like a cell phone and are required to interact with it throughout the school day.
Geometric constraints (shape and volume) clearly affect design decisions for devices like cell phones; each new product generation has packed more function into ever smaller forms.
But, for improved indoor coverage, there are also other types of location-based technologies, like using cell ID for example.
Chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell, are thread-like structures that contain genes which determine the characteristics of an individual.
It looks like a vintage cell phone and weighs about 13 ounces.