Document only what is needed to get the message across and co-locate if at all possible, because cross-disciplinary collaboration and face to face communication are vital.
The only significant revision needed was the addition of a new (first) delimited document section to indicate current element nesting.
The scripts would display, hide, move, create, and destroy document objects to create dynamic effects, but any time more data was needed from the server, the page would be replaced with a new one.
However, this just shows that AXIOM is working as expected and is not actually building the full document until needed.
For example, you can redact one document at a time as needed, or if a company already has a large number of archival documents, they can be redacted using batch processing.
Indeed, DB2 can split a collection (or sub-tree) of nodes at any level of the document hierarchy as needed.
实际上,DB 2可以根据需要对文档层次结构中任何级别上的节点集合(即子树)进行拆分。
UBL has a lot of promise, but after three years of work it still just scratches the surface of the range of document and transaction sets needed to cover electronic business needs.
The 96-page document was in Farsi, but the diagrams told Heap what he needed to know.
Even better, the bit of work I needed to do will be useful every time I need to look at a document in the same XML dialect in the future.
He had just needed a document to stamp, any document.
DB2 USES the XSCAN operator to traverse XML document trees and, if needed, to evaluate predicates and extract document fragments and values.
DB 2使用XSCAN操作符来遍历XML文档树,如需要,还将计算谓词和提取文档片断和值。
This parameter was needed to allow the file content to be uploaded to the new CMIS document.
要将文件内容加载到新的CM IS文档中,就需要用到这个参数。
The pull style, on the other hand, builds up the output document by pulling content from the source document as it is needed.
另一方面, 拉样式根据需要通过 拉出源文档中的内容来构建输出文档。
Publish from the document to ensure that it will publish as needed.
This tutorial describes the steps needed to build a basic client application in the DB2 Document Manager. The application you build supports the following tasks.
本教程描述了在DB 2 Document Manager中构建一个基本的客户应用程序所需的步骤。
To make the data representation process clear, we first copy the needed values from the document into a new Employee object as shown in listing 8.
The page area can also contain links to Web sites or external document repositories as needed.
Note that you can annotate results returned from an XQuery document with XML tags, attributes, and other markup as needed by the consumer of the results.
Message Type property is not needed as the name of the root element in the document is used.
不需要Message type属性,因为将使用文档中的根元素的名称。
Once that is done, the default behavior is for the Content List widget to pass the referenced document from the selected row into the Viewer for display, which is exactly what is needed.
连接好后,默认行为是Content List小部件从选中行中将被引用文档传递到Viewer小部件中进行显示,这正是我们需要的。
This tells eXist to precompute and store the values of all the para elements in the document because they're likely to be needed later.
这告诉 eXist 预先执行和存储文档中所有 para 元素的值,因为它们很可能后面会用到。
That's one unstructured string for the entire document, but with all the new string functions available, you can perform additional processing as needed.
Data document compression reduces the space needed to store your application's data.
DB2 takes these input values and searches the catalog tables to identify XML schema needed to validate XML document.
DB 2接受这些输入值并搜索目录表以识别验证XML文档所需的XML模式。
In general, metadata is needed to describe the primary document content.
You document your processes to ensure that everyone understands them and knows who to contact when there is a problem or a change is needed.
Once the client has retrieved a particular XML document from the database, an XML stylesheet is needed to transform the raw XML document into a more user-friendly representation of the information.
This reduces the number of HTTP requests that are needed, but increases the size of the HTML document.
This article focuses on the plug-in called XMLBuddy, because its feature-rich set contains most of the functions needed for XML document development.