Look, match and say.
"But the prose and the poetry match up," he said. "It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn't do what he's promised."
“But the prose and the poetry match up, ” he said. “It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn’t do what he’s promised.
“But the prose and the poetry match up,” he said. “It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn't do what he's promised.
So you could say that's blue and the carpet's blue, but you couldn't say when two things of the same color they match therefore the chair color and the carpet matched.
Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes.
If you do a full text search on Revisions and you include a common keyword like, say, SQL, you're going to match tens of thousands of records.
In fact, to say that the computer is wrong is to give it more credit than it deserves; for right and wrong are not what it does; what it does is count (faster than I or anyone else could) and match.
Police say family members with missing persons' reports that match the description of the deceased walk into a holding area where the body is, and a sheet is pulled back to show the face.
警方表示,如果失踪人员报告符合对已故人员的描述,罹难者家属会被允许走进停尸间。 死者身上的单子会被掀起一角,让家属去认遇难者的脸。
Please don't say, "What's going on, a dozen people are rushing to and fro chasing a ball?" during the match, your boyfriend might get angry.
In other words, what vets say and how they say it doesn't match the script that companies are using to find employees.
Evra told French television directly after the match that suarez had been trying "to wind me up" and that "there are cameras, you can see him say a certain word to me at least 10 times."
Let's say a man and a woman are watching a boxing match on television.
We say that a compatible binding is found when the tower's protocol sequence, interface id, transfer syntax and protocol version numbers match with that of the client's interface.
如果塔的协议序列、接口 id、传输语法和协议版本号与客户机的接口匹配,就找到了兼容的绑定。
With affirmative answer,I personally think his abusive level came out first through the whole book and absolutely could say nobody can match.
像他这么一位大学问家,会骂人吗? 我的回答是肯定的,不仅是肯定的,而且我个人认为,此位先生的骂人水平在整本书中都是独占鳌头的,绝对可以说是无人出其右的。
Can say I have seen countless games and stay in my memory, is the best in our class and five (5) a wonderful football match in class.
Just say it's not a match and you don't intend to continue the relationship.
But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match.
Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match.
As an example, let's say you want to match HTML tags, and you come up with the following regex.
Further to the build up of the upcoming world title boxing fight, one of the posters I designed for the boxing match has appeared in Derry Magazine Your Derry and looks well if I do say so myself.
OK, we can officially say now that spurs cannot match us anymore. Now we need to figure out how to beat SUNS and mavericks.
Match, say and act.
It's easy to watch a football match and, if the centre-forward doesn't score or pull a rabbit out of a hat, say his body language isn't right.