On summer weekends, I see casual hikers who have no idea what they are doing.
In those days, Cheung Chau had several nice beaches, although on summer weekends they get a bit crowded.
She lamented her lack of experience until she told me that she was one of the top fund-raisers for a charity that she worked with on the weekends and over the summer.
Most flea markets, however, are held on weekends during spring, summer, and autumn.
During summer or winter vacation, sometimes even on weekends, many college students would attend driving courses.
My husband Dale had spent long hours at his law practice in the summer of 1962, even working on weekends on this particular case.
"Seriously," Kevin said, his eyes half closed. "What the hell do you guys do on the weekends?" You're been gone every Friday this summer.
As is typical on weekends, only three local reporters were on duty that Saturday, and two of them were summer interns with other assignments.
What the colleges want to know is this: whenever you have free time away from school, on weekends, on holidays, in the summer time, what do you choose to do with it?