Garth pull over Oh man! Come on!
Garth come on relax all right? Your pills?
If Tomorrow Never Comes, Sung by country singer Garth Brooks.
Garth has a skeleton in his closet. He robbed a store 10 years ago.
Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?
Garth Saloner is the ninth dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
The hall was filled with everything from Garth Brooks and Frank Sinatra to Greek folk music.
Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star.
Garth Brooks will be back on stage for one night to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Country Music.
The images reveal blurry dots, "just a handful of pixels," says Garth Illingworth, a University of California, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist.
"Microsoft engineers are working on ways to improve the user experience, " says Garth Fort, Microsoft's marketing head for Greater China.
微软大中华区市场战略部总经理傅嘉思(Garth Fort)表示,“微软工程师们正致力于改善用户体验。”
In Jasper we stayed at the five-star Fairmont Park Lodge, but we CouchSurfed on the floor of a dorm room with Garth, a server at the hotel.
Few people make the effort to visit the rest of the city, says Garth Jackson, 27, who runs st Christopher's Inn, a hostel in Borough High Road.
It is working with other departments in the university so that these days one in six students is studying for an MBA alongside another degree, according to dean Garth Saloner.
按照系主任Garth Saloner所述,“学生们在斯坦福6天的学习中有一天是可以学习其它系的另一个学位。”
Through the ancient architectural layout, hotel and form, the analysis of modern garth-like hotel, space environment design of traditional cultural factors in the application.