1 词典释义:
northern light
时间: 2024-12-13 13:03:04
英 [ˈnɔːðən laɪt]
美 [ˈnɔːrðərn laɪt]

n. 北极光

  • Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.


  • Let's call this layer "Northern Light black shape layer".


  • With northern light for reading and writing, thinking and feeling.


  • The water fall also filters the northern light making it less harmful.


  • The building has a shed roof, that provides northern light and very high Spaces.


  • Then it was tacked up on the wall at the U.S. Patent Office for about 40 years, where it was subjected to a strong northern light.


  • There are not many tourists in Iceland, but travel to Iceland in the winter is the best choice for people who like northern light.


  • The task of designing the Design Bar at the Stockholm Furniture Fair and Northern Light Fair in 2010 has been awarded to the architect and designer Jonas Wagell.

    在2010年斯德哥尔摩家具展和照明与灯具展上,设计“设计吧”的任务被授予建筑和家具设计师Jonas Wagell。

  • It's conceived as an addition of layers. The center of the building is an empty space, covered by a skylight that introduces northern light to all the circulation Spaces.


  • He told the Mail Online: 'the "phenomenon" has the same greenish colour as the Northern Lights. That means the Northern Lights is the source of light causing the strange phenomenon.'


  • This helped us maintain a limited budget. It also helped create an authentic building that can be no more or less than what it needs to be: a box that can receive an even northern light.


  • "Wrapping the room, this facade treatment lets northern light into the front of the house and allows the windows to be opened wide while retaining a buffer from the street, " explained Bijl.


  • Since these processes occur above the two hemispheres, both the Northern and the Southern light are created.


  • At these times, people as far south as Central Europe and northern China can see the light show.


  • The input of relatively light freshwater also alters circulation patterns that cycle water between Greenland and northern North America, which could lead to more water on the North American end.


  • Make a note in your diary of 12 and 13 February 2010, too, when Iceland's Winter Light festival will be dispelling the northern gloom.


  • The spectacular spiral light show appeared in December 2009 in the sky above northern Norway.


  • This means the northern and southern hemispheres will sometimes point toward or away from the sun depending on the time of year, varying the amount of light they receive and causing the seasons.


  • Explanation Similar in size to other large, bright spiral galaxies, IC 342 is a mere 7 million light-years distant in the long-necked, northern constellation Camelopardalis.

    IC 342和其他大型明亮的螺旋星系的大小相当,这个在北方天穹细长的鹿豹座中的星系离我们只有7百万光年。

  • People in the far northern and southern regions can enjoy the greatest natural light shows on Earth.


  • Light could emerge even of the blackest of the northern night.


  • Only four storeys high, with long rows of windows but no hint of corporate gloss, its beige and grey box sits anonymously in the drizzly northern Pacific light.


  • Also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101 lies within the boundaries of the northern constellation Ursa Major, about 25 million light-years away.


  • The cluster of galaxies Abell 2218 is itself about three billion light-years away in the northern constellation of the Dragon (Draco).


  • Located in the northern constellation Coma Berenices, M64 resides roughly 17 million light-years from Earth.

    m 64位于北方的后发座(Comae Berenices Com, 386,50)星群中,距离地球大约1700万光年。

  • Since Planet X is slightly below the Ecliptic, light from Planet X makes a more direct trip to the Southern Hemisphere than to the Northern Hemisphere.


  • The report of a recent inquiry in the Northern Territory (nt), where many such camps are located, sheds light on their less visible human misery.

    北部地区(Northern Territory, NT)就有很多这样的营地,对该地区的最新调查报告揭示了那里不太为人知的人类不幸的一面。

  • To optimize the natural light and air conditions, the building is orientated to the south and pushed to the northern site line.
