Every year we have fundraisers to raise money for unfortunate people.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》He's hosted numerous fundraisers... and he's a dog.
Fundraisers are hoping to raise millions and you can help.
Churches are some of the best fundraisers because they ask every week.
Professors nowadays seem to have become professional fundraisers who do a little research on the side.
Fundraisers play a very important role for the society because they can get money to help needy people.
If people are fundraising for you online, are you saying 'thank you' to the fundraisers and to the donors?
We break our backs to sell things for the fundraisers at our kids' schools just because everybody else does.
Despite the tougher environment, fundraisers are at pains to assemble what one investor calls "big ego" funds.
尽管环境变得严峻,但募资机构仍在努力组建起一位投资者所称的“自负”(big ego)基金。
This fall, the church began hosting regular fundraisers, including an upcoming yard sale, to sustain the pantry.
The fundraisers would have brought in millions of dollars for the re-election war chest, the campaign official said.
They're used as fundraisers for high school bands and church groups, and fashion accessories in colors bright and dull.
Nights out find him zipping around Los Angeles with his bachelor buddy Ronald W Burkle or hitting parties and fundraisers in Manhattan.
文章指出:“克林顿很少在没有朋友陪伴的情况下公开露面,但这些陪伴他的人中很少见有他的妻子。 许多晚上,克林顿都和他的密友、单身汉罗纳德·W·伯克利出现在洛杉矶,或是在曼哈顿参加派对或募捐活动。
Friends and family have chipped in through cancer fundraisers. And they've set up a blog discussing their struggles and triumphs with cancer.
Fundraisers are an opportunity to say "thanks" for this incredible donation of time and intellectual wealth, and thereby connect readers and authors.
Further research on altruism, Mayr believes, might allow policymakers or charitable fundraisers to discern formats that are more or less satisfying to people.
The statement recognizes that fundraisers operate subject to many different jurisdictions and that they must observe the law of the jurisdiction in which they work.
该守则认为募款人员的作为受限于许多不同的司法管辖 , 而且他们必须遵守该地的司法 。
We have several kids in our neighborhood. They ask me to feed their fish, to give money to their fundraisers, to go to their lacrosse games and cheer them on. And I do.
Is you're organization looking to support free agent fundraisers and the changemakers who are passionate about your cause, want to support your work, but do it their way?
Naomi's equality protests are great, and her 6 fundraisers have done a lot of good, but none of that is actually helping to improve the daily life of the majority of students.
However, I expect we'll see a lot more such campaigns over the coming months as fundraisers realise that mobile fundraising can now go way beyond just telemarketing and SMS donations.
Buffett was a vocal supporter of Clinton, holding more than a dozen fundraisers for her, and even hiring a trolley in his hometown of Omaha on election day to get people out to vote.