The potential evapotranspiration is an important characteristic value in climatology.
The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency.
The frequency distribution of characteristic value of the male cones and pollen is abnomal.
This quality is usually a color (as in "protection from black") but can be any characteristic value.
The probability distribution function and the characteristic value of the curvature ductility factor are presented.
If quality characteristic value is not in the Gauss Distribution, clustering method is used to draw a control diagram.
This paper introduces a new whole binarization method by using image gray statistical characteristic value as threshold.
Describes the concept, characteristic value, main research field of chaos. Reviews the medical research at the same time.
And the relationship between the sample content, and the measurement accuracy requirement and characteristic value is found out.
A new characteristic value m of the fibre length can be obtained by using a Linst instrument to determine the fibre length of slivers.
After that the concrete operator was required to repeat test over 10 times for each characteristic value under the same circumstances.
Using well testing interpretation of chart match and characteristic value method, stratigraphic parameters are received and proved by examples.
The analyzing of the experiment data demonstrated that some characteristic value impact the selection of component search engine in each tactics.
This thesis expounds the match among edge detection of image, characteristic value selection of moment invariants and characteristic of vehicle mold.
The designed discharge and designed flood level are determined by hydrological computation and main characteristic value of highway bridge is checked.
The concepts of scheduling characteristic information and scheduling characteristic value are proposed, and restriction maintenance method is designed.
Due to the existence of uncertainty sources (disturbance), there is a variation or excursion for the quality characteristic value from the target value.
It can be decided system stability depending on the characteristic value of characteristic equation. The calculated results agree with the experimental data.
The restoring force model and the method for dealing with the characteristic value are also given, which can be applied to the elastoplastic dynamic analysis.
The characteristic value (SEFR) of reactive dye with deepest color was tested, and the dyeing parameters influenced the characteristic value SEFR were studied.
The equation used to calculate deflection ductility of columns was obtained, which based on the axial compression ratio and hoop characteristic value of a column.
This paper, by studying and guessing, has advanced the concept of the characteristic value of the prime recurring decimal, and given a series of important propositions.
Based on the general weighted length, combined with the level characteristic value, a new method is put forward to evaluate the environmental noise of railway with fuzzy.
Acid value and hydroxyl value are two pieces of characteristic value of the purpose products and the experiment adopts the titrimetric law of acid and alkali to confirm them.
Because every map element solely correlates a second characteristic value, the map element can be expressed as a generalized isoline or isoplane of second characteristic value.
Based on the statistical data for the sufficient degree of 137 sand bodies in Jiyang sag to calculate the characteristic value, and make the distribution map of factor loading.
According to experiment data, as for vibration signals sent out during cutting, is used to analysis and disposal, and characteristic value reflecting tool breakage is extracted.