She wrote a piece on Gwyneth Paltrow for the New Yorker.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Joel Stein wrote an extensive piece on Millennials and he remains rather optimistic about our potential.
This piece of string is too short. Join another piece on to it.
这条绳子太短, 再续上一截儿吧。
《新英汉大辞典》The Sun was doing its penance with a piece on Jarman.
Link to a specific content piece on a different portal page.
Click here for the Chicago Tribune piece on Posner's opinion.
One piece on show is a statue from 136 AD of the Emperor Hadrian's wife, Vibia Sabina.
展览会中的一件雕塑品是公元136年时罗马国王哈德良的妻子维毕娅•萨拜娜(Vibia Sabina)。
She asked me whether I had written that opinion piece on fear, steroids and baseball.
In a piece on the study for the Women's Media Center, the researchers for that study, Stacy L.
I tried, in that old piece on hangover theorists, to explain what's wrong with this view in general.
But a great piece on NPR (video) shows just how weighty clouds, thunderstorms, and even hurricanes can be.
Music: learn to play a new musical instrument, or learn to play a challenging piece on an instrument you already know.
All you need to do is cut a lemon in half and place each piece on both spikes of copper and zinc and you're good to go.
Jonathan Fields recently wrote an excellent piece on how the key to getting better at something is to make more bad stuff.
The message allegedly said "tomorrow there will be a big judicial piece on the business dealings of the Marcegaglia family".
It is a monumental piece on three walls, painted on heavy plasterboard, and it tells a simple story of good overcoming evil.
Over at "Bitch" magazine blogger Ashley McAllister introduced her piece on the book with "In this week's douchey children's lit news…".
Over at "Bitch" magazine, blogger Ashley McAllister introduced her piece on the book with, "In this week's douchey children's lit news…".
Soon after, Baidu signed a multimillion-dollar sponsorship deal with China Central Television, which had broadcast an investigative piece on Baidu.
Place the left denim upper piece on to a flat surface, right side down.Following instructions on the fusing packet, iron it to the wrong side of this denim piece.
It was heartening to read the thread of debate that followed my piece on Shakespeare yesterday, because so many people were adding their own knowledge to the argument.
Place the left denim upper piece on to a flat surface, right side down. Following instructions on the fusing packet, iron it to the wrong side of this denim piece.
TidBits article is a good introduction and overview. Also relevant, especially with regard to installing these things silently, is my own piece on Smart Crash Reports.
This is only if the single piece doesn't have a failover piece on another workstation and relies on other pieces of software to accomplish one or more grid computing task.
"Despite the neatness of modern biomedical science... reproductive issues retain their wider cultural connotations," is how a piece on Neary and the exhibit in the Guardian put it.
Q: One situation that you didn't mention in your recent piece on negotiation was: How do you negotiate your salary when you're being promoted from within, especially in a poor economy?
In case you think that the time you'll spend on a project scales with the time you have available, you might want to check out my piece on how time crunching prevents your best creative work.
The scoop: When we last spoke with Goldman nine months ago for a profile piece on him; his bakery, Charm City Cakes; and his Food Network reality-TV series, Ace of Cakes, he was definitely busy.
The car was found on a piece of waste ground.