Spain defeat Deutschland by Torres' goal.
Was moechten Sie in Deutschland studieren?
Wie lange m?chten Sie in Deutschland bleiben?
Bonn ist die Hauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
As the song said "God just kissed earth once, that is Deutschland".
Er spricht so gut Deutsch, als wäre er lange in Deutschland gewesen.
Er spricht so gut Deutsch, als w?re er lange in Deutschland gewesen.
At Philips Deutschland the bribery of retailers also may have been part of a deliberate policy.
The calibration result is consistent with that of physical research institute (PTB) of Deutschland.
Previously, she was the FT's Taipei correspondent and world news editor at Financial Times Deutschland.
It's first course in France, dinner in Deutschland, ah, sweets in Switzerland, and if the date is right, a bonus awaits.
第一道菜在法国,主餐在德国,甜点在瑞士。 如果选对日期,应有额外的惊喜。
Frodo Baggins' quest for the 'One Ring' is, however, a mere stroll in the park compared with this year's Rallye Deutschland.
However, unless more support can be found, next month's ADAC Rallye Deutschland could be Ostberg's last appearance of the season.
Much has changed in Germany since the days of Deutschland AG, when Banks and big firms had complex cross-holdings that prevented hostile takeovers.
In the morning we would leave Braunschweig, Martin asked me what impressed me most in Deutschland. I thought about a while and replied:"Children."
Die Kooperation mit Deutschland bietet hier die Chance, die absolute Nummer 1 in China in diesem Marktsegment zu werden. Das Potential ist gigantisch!
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG dropped 4.4 percent to 36.28 euros as UBS AG downgraded shares of Germany's largest cable - television operator to "neutral" from "buy."
德国最大的有线电视运营商Kabel Deutschland股价下跌4.4%,至36.28欧元,瑞银集团把该公司股票评级从买入下调为中性。
Sky Deutschland also predicted that 2011 earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization will be “significantly better than 2010, but will remain negative.”
Raikkonen has not tested his Citroen C4 WRC since finishing seventh on the Tarmac-based Rallye Deutschland last month, so has pledged a cautious approach to Rally Japan.
莱科宁自从上月在德国以第七名完赛之后就没有再测试过他的雪铁龙c4 WRC,他们对于即将到来的日本站非常的谨慎。
Thirteen Credit Suisse (Deutschland) AG locations were raided as part of the investigation, Johannes Mocken, spokesman for the Dusseldorf prosecutors’ office, said in an e-mailed statement.
德国杜塞尔多夫检察署发言人乔汉纳斯·莫肯(Johannes Mocken)14日在一份声明当中表示,监察机构对瑞士信贷设在德国的13处办公室进行了突击搜查。