About ELC quizzes, midterms and exams.
ELC class size is appropriate for my learning.
ELC training ground complete children playground facilities.
Most of the ELC teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.
Have you got quick response when you need help from ELC, such as courses assignment?
This series of products a re widely used for extrusion foam products, such as PVC foam pipes foaming board elc.
Through advanced electronic light control (ELC) function, you can use in indoor applications fixed aperture lens.
ELC offers sufficient optional courses besides the required ones (Level 1-4) for me to continue to improve my English.
除必修课(Level 1-4)外,ELC提供了足够的选修课程供我继续提高英语水平。Strongly agree。 非常赞同。
The common faults of S1240 (ELC type) SPC exchange are in user mod ul e, relay module and metering module in daily maintenance work.
在对S1240 (elc型)程控交换机进行日常维护时,常见故障有用户模块、中继模块和计费模块的故障。
I have developed new language skills as well as general learning skills in ELC classes that I will be able to use later in my career.
The hot rolled microstructure, texture and properties of an ELC steel hot rolled in ferrite region, cold rolled and annealed were studied.
Your feedback and comments will greatly help ELC improve the work in different ways so that we will be able to serve all of you more effectively.
The LIGHTING fitting Department of Zhongshan City FUDI Elc. Co., Ltd is the predecessor of our company. It won the title of EXCELLENT PARTS SUPPLIERS of CHINA LIGHTING INDUSTRY.
The hot rolled steel microstructure, texture and properties of an ELC steel was conducted to study through ELC steel hot rolled in ferrite region process industrial production experiment.
I am a new teacher in ELC this fall. I am also helping organize a new English-learning facility, the Center for Independent Language Learning (CILL), on the ground floor of the new library.