I was a nursing mother.
Thes. 2:7 But we were gentle in your midst, as a nursing mother would cherish her own children.
If a nursing mother is acting as wet nurse to several toddles, then her survival affects more than just herself.
Drug safety and efficacy of pregnancy and nursing mother have not been established, should use the product with caution.
I've tried everything in the past and, as a nursing mother, I had to keep my calories and energy up, so strict dieting was out for me.
Whether this kind of cow-milk protein consumption is a cause of type 1 diabetes is not known, but it would be prudent for a nursing mother to avoid cow-milk in her diet. 17.
A friend recently took her mother to visit an expensive assisted living/nursing home near my town.
At the assisted living facility where my mother lived until she died last year at age 96, the nursing director told me that some people think Alzheimer's is contagious.
She spends her spare time nursing her old mother.
"I remember that Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home some years ago, " the woman said.
Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home years ago.
Dr. Grey, this is Ms Henry from the nursing home. I'm calling about your mother.
格蕾医生, 我是疗养院的亨利, 我是想和你谈谈你的母亲的事。
Conclusion Proper nursing measures are the premise to guarantee health and safe of the mother and infant.
Some theories suggest that it isn't the content of the milk but the bond between mother and child developed while nursing that accounts for some of the boost.
Illustrated book, with body sculpting yoga 8 color illustrations, so that the mother house month during the month of not only healthy, but also beautiful, but also a master of nursing baby.
Because only mother can breastfeed, a baby always knows who is the person he loves the most. Nannies, babysitters, and daycare workers are no substitute for a nursing mom.
The young mother was nursing her baby daughter.
One evening a family brings their frail 1, elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her, hoping she will be well cared for.
Ma said that this sum of money, will donate a portion of the name of the mother to a nursing home.
Thus Yang had to take the burden of supporting the family and nursing his sick mother.
Result:The nursing care is the mother infant interaction is essential links.
It was well worth staying put and sitting quietly to witness this tender scene of a mother nursing her infant, a serene moment with no hint of the surrounding commotion.
Objective To study the suitable nursing mode of neonate in mother-newborn in room.