Deconstructionists view the literary personality, like the writer's bibliographical personality, as irrelevant.
Most of these titles have subsequently been attributed, either through the author's own acknowledgment of a previously anonymous or pseudonymous work, or through bibliographical research.
This file must have a bibliographical format.
Articleinfo: Contains bibliographical information.
The quality of bibliographical records is very important.
Bibliographical information is the most stable and reusable part in information resource system.
Remember that an article without bibliographical information is useless since you cannot cite its source.
Library of congress number USA system for bibliographical data. the number is printed on the back of the title-page.
This paper investigates and analyzes the readers' capacity of obtaining bibliographical information and readers' demands.
But among the Chinese bibliographical data, the standard literature is one of the most complicated to put down in writing.
Below are downloadable sets of lecture notes and bibliographical references for readings used in conjunction with lectures.
Bibliographical control of network information resources is a new content of bibliographical control in the information Age.
Please attach biographical and bibliographical data in order to have it published alongside the submitted work in the catalogue.
The information based on bibliographical sources has not been included in the synoptic table because they were too heterogeneous.
Each Geobase record contains full bibliographical citation, indexing terms and codes, and almost 99% of records contain abstracts.
All papers must also include footnotes and a bibliography or bibliographical essay presented in a full, clear, and consistent form.
The article is aiming at the comparative study on the classifications of bibliographical information and bibliographical documents.
Online book trade bibliographical information is a kind of bibliographical information on the websites of publishers and booksellers.
Information about this center and it's activities, as well as access to related online bibliographical databases are offered on the site.
Zotero will automatically extract the bibliographical information for you and it can even create a full-text archive of your saved documents.
As you organize your notes, jot down detailed bibliographical information for each cited paragraph and have it ready to transfer to your Works cited page.
This paper From the "Mongolian Ancient Book Bibliographical" in the statistics of Ancient Mongolian type of publishing technology and is used frequently.
Their objective is to establish complete systems of document resources, fast networks of bibliographical information and efficient document delivery systems.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
The said system was compiled on the basis of State-standard gb3792.1-83 (General Bibliographical Description) and the "Bibliographical Description for Agricultural Documents".
The network environment gives new content to bibliographical information. For satisfying user's need, we must adopt the tactics in order to improve bibliographical information service.
- ecologicaladj. 生态的;生态学的
- psychologicaladj. 心理的;心理学的;心理上的;关于心理学的;与心理作用相关的
- criticaladj. 批评的;批判性的;评论性的;评论家的;关键的;决定性的;至关重要的;严重的;危急的;不稳定的;病情危重的;挑剔的;具有判断力的;有判断力的
- anthropologicaladj. 人类学的;人类学上的
- politicaladj. 政治的;政党的;党派的;政府的;与政治有关的;政治上的;涉及政治权力的;政治上活跃的;争权夺利的
- canonicaladj. 权威的;经典的;典型的;符合规定的;根据教规的;依据科学法则的;传统的;正统的;标准的;规范的
- stereotypicaladj. 老一套的;陈规的;带有成见的;典型的
- archaeologicaladj. 考古学(上)的;考古学上的;考古学的
- nauticaladj. 航海的;船舶的;海事的;船员的;航海学的;航海技术的;与航行相关的
- nonsensicaladj. 无意义的;荒谬的;愚蠢的
- satiricaladj. 讽刺的;讥讽的;嘲讽的;挖苦的;讥嘲的;戏谑的;诙谐的
- botanicaladj. 植物学的;与植物有关的;植物性的
- biologicaladj. 生物的;生物学的;与生物有关的;生物体的;加酶的
- philosophicaladj. 哲学的;理性的;冷静的;达观的;处乱不惊的;泰然自若的;沉着的
- physicaladj. 身体的;生理的;物理的;物质的;有形的;实体的;自然的;体力的;物理学的;涉及身体接触的;实际的;具体的;按照自然规律的
- technologicaladj. 技术的;工艺的;科技的;技术上的;应用科学的
- hystericaladj. 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的;情绪失控的;极其可笑的;非常滑稽的;过度激动的;情感过激的
- chronologicaladj. 按时间顺序的;依照时间先后排列的;时间序列的