The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night, Tyler is a movie projectionist.
Works more than 40 year Chen Wenting in the Wenguang group is the movie projectionist .
After a few minutes of this, people started calling for the projectionist to sort it out.
Became the only town put a lot of movies, he became the town to succeed Everett movie projectionist.
But that's the sort of thing that happens in cinemas these days, when there's only one projectionist looking after umpteen screens.
And if you go to a cinema, there are many people will serve for you, the box-office clerk, the projectionist, and the cleaner and so on.
The kindhearted, craggy Alfredo is the projectionist, the spinner of myth and the giver of a hard-won wisdom, full of Italian fatalism, winks and rough fatherly love.
Weapon of choice: A magnifying glass, a copy of How to Be a Detective and an inspired imagination that transformed him from an unassuming projectionist into a heroic detective.
特别武器: 一个放大镜,一本《如何成为侦探》的读物和无尽的想象力让这位谦逊的电影放映员摇身一变,成为一位英勇无畏的侦探。
The early, inferior copies often are soon replaced by better versions that pirates make by bribing a theater projectionist and mounting a camera on a tripod in a projection booth.
不法分子进行盗版的手段也各不相同。 有的买通了电影放映员,在放映室里支起三脚架、装上摄像机进行偷拍,这样的盗版质量要比早期用便携摄像机拍出的效果更好。
Winds across eastern Long Island were so strong that an entire movie theater was lifted off the ground and thrown two miles out to sea - with the matinee crowd and projectionist still inside.
Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.