The girl next to me banged my elbow with an indian club.
The cup was wrought from the silver rupees contained in the bank account of the Calcutta club by Indian craftsmen, and reflects the history of the cup in its design.
With her Davenport-esque style, we know she can club the ball, but she ran surprisingly well in Indian Wells and appeared to have shed a few pounds.
The quality is not quite as good as Bajaj, a cheap Indian brand, reckons William Zuñiga, president of Moto Club México, an online community of petrolheads.
One Indian doctor believes this so strongly that he developed a club devoted to laughter.
Then, in late 2004, he left the bank to run the Cinnamon Club, one of London's most highly regarded Indian restaurants.
Chef Nilesh Singhvi of the Bombay Club, an Indian restaurant in downtown Washington, d.