If your skin is dry, the paper will be clean, too, but your face skin will feel flaky, dry, and tight after you have wiped it.
Using skin cells as ink and a human body as paper, James Yoo of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has designed a printer that can analyze a burn.
利用皮肤细胞作为“油墨”,人的身体做“纸”,北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-萨勒姆,威克森林大学医学院的詹姆士·柳(James Yoo),已经设计了一个可以研究烧伤的“打印机”。
Your little one's brain is taking shape inside his oversized transparent skull and a paper-thin layer of skin is covering his whole body.
If you have oily skin, the paper will have spots of facial oil on it, corresponding to the areas of your cheeks, nose, and forehead.
For example, the delicate skin around your eyes is only as thick as a few sheets of paper; the pads on your feet are about as thick as a pencil eraser.
You live at 5123 NE Paper Street which is currently teeming with your little disciples shaving their heads and burning their skin off with lye.
Nagiko: I like the smell of paper - all kinds. It reminds me of the scent of skin.
Steven: OK, he's tall with dark bushy eyebrows, fair skin, thick lips…and why don't you just call him at the number on the paper.
In this paper, depending on available theory and literature, it studied a kind of measuring system of facial skin condition based on statistical feature analysis of image texture.
For proper use of the measured data of core analysis, a study was conducted in this paper on the skin effects in core analysis.
Your little one's brain is taking shape inside his oversized, transparent skull and a paper-thin layer of skin is covering his whole body.
Based on the in-situ testing of rock-socked pile embedded with test components, the characteristics of the point resistance and skin resistance are studied in this paper.
Wonton Hou of the wonton skin have a thin paper said that the skin on the newspaper to see the words above.
This paper prepared two kinds of gelatin hydrolysate from the seal skin, and studied and analyzed those gelatin hydrolysates.
In this paper various methods for estimating mean skin temperature of human body, some instruments used to measure skin temperature and the applicability of these methods are evaluated.
The technology on processing the deer imitation garment with goat skin was discussed in this paper.
The skin is comprised of several layers, and injuries, like paper cuts, etc... begin healing IMMEDIATELY from the inside out.
Or my grandmother's hands, and or her skin seem like paper.
The Columbia-Harvard team, in this paper, showed this was possible using an ALS patient's skin cells.
Never sand body and face, with sand paper. It can make a serious damages for skin.
In this paper, a new approach used combination of skin color and motion information is proposed.
In this paper, an effective design optimization method for High-aspect-ratio composite wing skin is presented.
The optimum formulation and processing technology for the production of natural health drink from grape skin are discussed in the paper.
This paper, puts stress on the structure in order to study skin content change and, its influence on fibre strength and moisture under different process.
This paper reported 63 cases with chronic radiation skin injury.
In this paper, collagen peptide powder from the shark skin was prepared by some biochemistry techniques including proteinase hydrolysis, spray torrefaction.
This paper reports experimental results of human skin exposed to ruby laser light.