1 词典释义:
expel from
时间: 2025-02-17 23:09:07
英 [ɪkˈspel frɒm]
美 [ɪkˈspel frʌm]

vphr. 开除;驱逐;赶走;排出

  • A non-productive cough does not expel sputum from the respiratory tract.


  • When we exhale we expel air from our lungs.


  • To accomplish this, Baker and van Deursen designed a fast-aging mouse strain that would, upon receiving a drug trigger, expel p16-producing cells from fatty tissues, muscles and eyes.

    为了论证这点,Baker和van Deursen繁殖了一组具有快速衰老基因的实验鼠,在这个过程中,对实验鼠施以药物刺激,从而清除脂肪组织、肌肉和眼睛中含有P16的细胞。

  • Once stimulated, these muscles go to work and cause us to forcefully expel air from the mouth and nose. Or, in other words, we sneeze.


  • The headmaster may expel the boy from the school.


  • One, syrup of ipecac, is a fluid that helps the body expel material from the stomach.


  • He tries to explain to them how society can be changed for the better, but they become angry and expel him from their home.


  • We have no alternative but to expel you from the factory.


  • To expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily, often to keep the respiratory passages free of irritating material.


  • Your apostles expel us from our home and make us homeless.


  • Some medicines, like Prussian blue pills, can help expel radioactive elements from the body.


  • When we exhale we expel air from our lungs.


  • Cellulite always looks much worse if you are suffering from fluid retention, and massage activates the lymphatic flow and lymph nodes which help to expel toxins out of the body.


  • COPD-related tissue damage can also make it particularly difficult to expel air from the lungs, which can make you feel short of breath.


  • Gas also provides an efficient way to expel water from the part at the end of the molding cycle.


  • I have used the wolfs bane, the black nightshade and the eagle's tear to make the mixture medicament to expel the witch, devil and the tricker away from the palace for you.


  • We managed to expel the enemy from the trench.


  • English speakers breathe from deep in the diaphragm and expel the air in a steady stream while speaking, thus allowing for linking to take place.


  • All human beings of modern times are born with a disgust evaluation system, which can be activated from toxic and unfairness information in a direct route and often coupled to a motivation to expel.


  • Directions:Fill one cap (20ml), rinse mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds, gargle & expel. Do not swallow. Not recommended for children under 6. Keep away from reach of children.


  • To expel a current of air, AS from the mouth or from a bellows.


  • He managed to expel his nephew and the boy's young mother, St. Elisabeth of Hungary, from the line of succession and ca. 1231 formally succeeded his brother as landgrave.
