1 词典释义:
pie charts
时间: 2025-03-06 11:36:39

pl-n. 饼图;饼形图;饼分图;圆形统计图;圆形分析图;(pie chart的复数)

  • For pie charts, the sum of the array is your whole pie.


  • The pie charts show the changes on…… in some place in 2000.


  • The pie charts show the changes on… in some place in 2000.


  • The pie charts show the changes on... in some place in 2000.


  • Thee pie charts show the changes on... in some place in 2000.


  • Thee pie charts show the changes on...... in some place in 2000.


  • Graphite data can be presented as line graphs, pie charts or raw CSV data.


  • The implied meaning of the pie charts is both disappointing and exciting.


  • In sum, we have got a mixed feeling toward the very fact revealed in the pie charts.


  • Instead of rectangles or ellipses, draw pie charts using GD at specific points on the map.


  • Monitor provides many chart styles, such as pie charts, bar charts (bottom) and line charts (Figure 4).


  • The pie charts below show the different age groups of the visitors from the UK to Spain in 1983 and 2003.

    两张饼图分别显示了 1983 年和 2003 年各年龄段的英国人前往西班牙旅游的比例情况。

  • Using pie charts that summarize data I am discussing always helps my audience understand my presentations easily.


  • I jotted ideas, made lists, and to make myself feel extra legit, I even drew pie charts, just like the one you see here.


  • Games can be grouped an filtered by platform, genre, or year, and will even aggregate data and display statistics in bar or pie charts.


  • Current reports: Pie charts that show the count of work items according to the filter criteria that are specified in the work item query.


  • The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in 6 broad categories, divided into manual and non-manual occupations.


  • Vedea will come with new graphical ways of displaying data going well beyond pie charts that have been used for the last decades. Among the features are

    Vedea也会有显示数据的 新成像方式,并大大超越过去几十年使用的饼图。

  • The treaty secretariat’s January preview of the reckoning provided only broad trends with arrows and pie charts to indicate whether various goals had been met.


  • Pie charts can create super-professional pie chart, super beautiful, at least you will regret it, you must under no regrets, really, do not believe it try.


  • A wide variety of chart types is available, including the basic bar and pie charts and more esoteric varieties, such as scatterplots, block histograms, and networks.


  • The two pie charts compare the proportion of male and female employees working in executive positions in ABC Company over a span of 7 years from Jan. 2000 to Jan. 2007.


  • The two pie charts illustrate the student enrolment situation on the two programs of IELTS and TOEFL at two branch schools of Onlytoya College from July to December 2007.


  • So far you have only seen pie charts, as they provide a nice visualization for the kind of data you are working with-showing the relative amount of browser share in a given month.


  • Almost all heroin users are male as shown by pie charts in each district. Despite the decline, some districts do show a persistently higher level compared to neigbouring areas.


  • We can see from the first two pie charts that in Yemen, people under 14 years occupied the first position in 2000, while people from 15 to 59 years will have the highest percentage in 2050.


  • Part of the Sencha Touch offering, this library enables developers to build interactive radar, bar, line, stacked, and pie charts that are optimized for Apple iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices.

    作为Sencha Touch的一部分,开发者可以使用该库构建针对Apple iOS、Android以及BlackBerry设备的交互式雷达、柱状、直线、堆叠以及饼状图。

  • As is apparently revealed in the pie charts above, credibility and working experience are the twin leading quality requirements for college graduates and ordinary working staff by most working units.
